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她的这出戏在百老汇不受欢迎。Her play bombed on Broadway.

这齣戏在百老汇砸了锅。The play flopped on Broadway.

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然后,她便把目标定在了百老汇。Then she headed for the Broadway.

博物馆在王子街与百老汇街的交会处。The museum is at Prince and Broadway.

这出新歌剧演出以来一直客满。The new musical wowed them on Broadway.

我想看一出百老汇音乐剧。I feel like watching a Broadway musical.

赫斯渥出了门,朝百老汇大街走去。Hurstwood went out and made for Broadway.

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塞上耳朵吧,这就是百老汇的方式。Plug your ears and this could be Broadway.

三种草坪草种相比,百老汇的耐盐性最差。Broadway was the weakest in salt resistance.

下面是关于柏崴桌球俱乐部的调查问卷。The following survey is about Broadway club.

百老汇大街上稀稀落落地还有些行人。Broadway was thinly peopled with pedestrians.

它们会说我在纽约城里的百老汇街五号。So, I'm at Fifth in Broadway in New York City.

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在百老汇的演出一炮打响。The show was an overnight success on Broadway.

它就在百老汇街与威尔逊街的转角。It's right on the corner of Broadway and Wilson.

百老汇大剧院中心。Shubert Alley, center of the theater on Broadway.

舒伯特街,百老汇大街剧院的中心。Shubert Alley, center of the theater on Broadway.

百老汇在时代广场贯穿第七大道。Broadway intersects Seventh Avenue at Time Square.

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他让这个小女孩冒充百老汇的女演员He palmed the girl off as a real Broadway actress.

这出戏在百老汇连续上演了两年。The play ran for two consecutive years in Broadway.

我还在百老汇载过一个人,当时他喝得很醉,I once picked up a guy on Broadway and he was drunk,