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我想他又失检了。I fear he has lapsed again.

我怕她又失检了。I fear she has lapsed again.

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那保证书两个月前就失效了。The warranty lapsed two months ago.

在童年时,他不慎养成了一些坏习惯。In his childhood,he lapsed into some bad habits.

于期内,概无任何购股权遭注销或作废。None were cancelled or lapsed during the period.

很遗憾,我们的报盘在失效前未被接受。We regret to say our offer has lapsed unaccepted.

自他们抵达巴黎以来,已过去了两个星期了。Two weeks have lapsed since they arrived in Paris.

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岗位培训偶尔在部门不能得以开展。On-job training in department is occasionally lapsed.

它压倒对非玩游戏者和过去的玩游戏者的一个沙坝。It breaks down a barrier to non-gamers and lapsed gamers.

那个曾经夸夸其辞的演说家缄默不语。The once bombastic orator had himself lapsed into silence.

车祸之后,司机陷入昏迷状态。The driver lapsed into unconsciousness after the car accident.

就在我临产的前几周,妈妈陷入了深度昏迷。A few weeks before my due date, Mother lapsed into a deep coma.

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我知道我在比喻和狂喜的辩论中造成了遗误。I see that I have lapsed into parable and ecstatic declamation.

如果不付专利费,这项专利就告失效。If the fees are not paid, then the patent is said to have lapsed.

若保单失效超过1年,请填写第二及第三部份。For policy lapsed more than 1 year, please complete part II & III.

她没有达到我们希望她达到的高水准。She has lapsed from the high standard we have come to expect of her.

他的姐姐突然坐在那儿一动也不动了,陷入沉思默想之中。His sister became abruptly still, and lapsed into a pondering silence.

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失宠之后,他千方百计重新赢得欢心。Having lapsed from grace, he tried every means to win back favour again.

那个人陷入进退两难的困境,不知该如何是好。The man lapsed into dilemma and hadn't the slightest idea of what to do.

克里斯塔开始使用她的母语,计算机提供了翻译。Crysta lapsed into her own language, and computers supplied the translation.