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拆卸手轮固定螺栓。Remove handwheel retaining bolt.

涂盖多层环氧树脂,附手轮。Epoxy Heavy Coating, with handwheel. Fig. 5207

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涂盖多层环氧树脂,附手轮。Epoxy Heavy Coating, with handwheel. Fig. 5307

热浸法镀锌,附手轮。Hot-dip galvanization, with handwheel. Fig. 5213

热浸法镀锌,附手轮。Hot-dip galvanization, with handwheel. Fig. 5313

逆时针转动手轮关闭箱门。Turn the handwheel anti-clockwise to close the Safe.

自密封平行闸板阀主要由手轮、丝杆、阀体、闸板、密封副等部件构成。The valve is made up of handwheel , pole, body, disc and seal etc.

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转动飞轮,把针杆上升到最高部位。Turn the handwheel to move the needle bar up to its highest position.

更大更舒适的可锻铸铁手轮,操作更加轻松。Larger more comfortable malleable iron handwheel for easier operation.

注明从阀门中心到手轮的所需加长件的长度。Specify required extension length from centerline of valve to handwheel.

可能的手轮方位如下图右侧所示。Possible handwheel orientations are shown in the figure to the right below.

手轮下面是一个六角形外螺纹横膈膜止动螺母。Beneath the handwheel is a hexheaded externally-threaded diaphragm-retaining nut.

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这个尺寸必须至少为从阀门中心线至手轮距离长度的两倍。This dimension must be at least twice the dimension from center line to handwheel.

手轮可以拆卸并重新定位在环绕阀杆的六个位置中的任何一个位置上。The handwheel can be removed and repositioned any of six positions around the stem.

辊面调宽的对中装置采用丝杆手轮调节。The roller surface accent wide installs to uses the lead screw handwheel adjustment.

如果不订购地轴承架,则最小长度尺寸为阀门中心至手轮的长度。Minimum dimension from centerline of valve to handwheel when ordered without floorstand.

锤击手轮接合器可以配置在手轮或链轮结构上。Hammerblow handwheel adapters can be furnished with handwheel or chainwheel construction.

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订购时,注明描述信息和从阀门中心线至手轮的加长长度尺寸。To order, specify description and extension length from center line of valve to handwheel.

阀瓣位置与十进制指示器相一致,并可通过手轮上的窗口一览无遗。The disc position corresponds with the decimal indicator viewed through the handwheel window.

将手轮从全开到全闭反复旋转几次,确保操作灵活自如。Rotate handwheel from full OPEN to full SHUT positions several times to assure proper operation.