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该破火山口被认为是活火山。The caldera is considered an active volcano.

他们很可能是在火山地区被捕杀的。They'd probably been killed near the caldera.

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迈尔斯泰恩说,港口是火山的一个喷口。Meinstein said the harbor is the caldera of a volcano.

恩戈罗戈罗火山是世界上最大的未喷发火山。Ngorongoro Crater, the world's largest unbroken caldera.

卡尔德拉是发现了35公里长的巨型椭圆形。The discovered caldera is a giant oval 35 kilometres long.

山为环形的破火山口洼地环抱着。The mountain is encircled by the doughnut-shaped depression of the caldera.

穿过火山湾,在Ammoudi滩的正下方就是火焰群岛。Directly below is the beach of Ammoudi and across the caldera bay are the Burnt Islands.

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本文论述了七宝山早白垩世破火山口的特征。This paper deals with the characteristics of the Qibao-Shan caldera in early Cretaceous.

在经过正式的调查后,奥巴马总统已批准路易斯·卡尔德拉的辞呈。After an official inquiry, President Obama has accepted the resignation of Louis Caldera.

上周,我批准了飞越纽约的任务。"Last week, I approved a mission over New York. I take responsibility for that decision, " Caldera said.

这个活火山活跃了将近一个世纪,火山口中间则是一潭熔浆。The volcano, which has been active for nearly a century, has a lake of molten lava at the center of its caldera.

矿工们冒着刺鼻的烟雾,从东爪哇伊杰恩火山口底部挖取大块的硫磺。Working amid acrid fumes, miners excavate chunks of sulfur from the base of the caldera of Mount Ijen in East Java.

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这是一座地理年龄较新的火山喷发口,位于苏丹西部马拉山顶,是大型地质形态达尔福尔圆顶的一部分。Deriba Caldera is a geologically young volcanic structure located at the top of the Marra Mountains of western Sudan.

地池是熔岩湖后期陷落形成的破火山口积水而形成的湖泊。It is a crater lake. The lake was formed by water accumulated in the caldera due to the late collapse of the lava lake.

天池破火山口塌陷过程可以分为四期,分别位于造锥喷发阶段和造伊格尼姆岩喷发阶段。The caldera collapse experienced at least four phases during the composit econeforming and ignimbriteforming eruptions.

探险队所有的补给和器材都要被拖曳到峰顶边缘,然后再通过滑轮垂降到火山口中。All of the expedition's food, water, and gear had to be hauled to the summit rim, then lowered by pulley into the caldera.

陶波湖火山的巨大喷发在新西兰北岛的中部形成了承载陶波湖的火山喷口。This large eruption, known as the Oruanui, formed the caldera that holds Lake Taupo in the centre of New Zealand’s North Island.

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白宫军事办公室主任路易斯·卡尔德拉随即发布了一个道歉,承认这次航拍引起了“惶恐和混乱”。Military Office director Louis Caldera immediately issued an apology, acknowledging that the flyover caused "confusion and disruption."

如果火口湖地狱兽并未吞噬任何生物,并且防御力也未获得任何加成,则此伤害会是致命伤害。This damage will be lethal if Caldera Hellion hasn't devoured any creatures and its toughness hasn't been increased by any other means.

当岩浆库上方的陆地崩陷,称为火山碎屑流的巨大灰色云雾,会突然由火山臼的周围向外水平散开。As the land above the magma chamber collapses, immense gray clouds called pyroclastic flows burst out horizontally all around the caldera.