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速记员的举动很奇怪。The stenographer acted very queerly.

但奇怪的是,普杰雅这个术语也是神圣的意思。But queerly the term Pujyam also means holy.

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你也许会认为灰色很沉闷,但我认为我适合。I don't think he is all here, for he acts queerly.

乐观和悲观可以在美国作品里奇妙地结合起来。Optimism and pessimism mingle queerly in American writing.

她以奇异的目光望著我,似乎不知道如何回答。She look at me queerly and do not seem to know how to answer.

她以奇异的目光望著我,似乎不知道如何回答。She looked at me queerly and didn't seem to know how to answer.

他生活的单调而且古怪,他几乎不知道钱是干嘛的。He lives so quietly and so queerly , he scarcely knows what money's for.

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“你们为什么不吃蛋糕”老太婆见她们一动不动,奇怪地问道。"Why don't you eat the cakes?" the old woman asked queerly as she found them motionless.

奇怪的是,她越想要想起她的容貌她的容貌就变得更模糊了。Queerly enough the harder he tried to summon up her face in his thoughts, the vaguer it became.

那声音在雾霭中古怪回响,一时间有种到处有落篙的感觉。The sound echoed queerly in the fog, and for a moment it was as if poles were falling around them.

它似乎正从矮树丛中抽取木头鼓捣着什么,表面看去那是一个高达四英尺的怪玩意,圆球用矮树上的茎蔓将它扎成四方形轮廓。It was making something out of wood from the bushes, tied together with tendrils , a queerly shaped framework about four feet high and roughly square.

那一双眼睛霎了三次,随后又转着看到上面的天花板和下面的地板,并且那么怪异地四周滚动着,仿佛要看透这屋子里的每一个部分。The eyes winked three times, and then they turned up to the ceiling and down to the floor and rolled around so queerly that they seemed to see every part of the room.

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一切的庄严美好都被毁坏殆尽了,来访者们和忒格亚人惊骇地看着这棵不祥的巨树所造成的灾难,他们看到它就像一个古怪的人般站立着,树根诡异地从喀洛斯那满是浮雕的陵墓中虬曲出来。Strangers and Tegeans stood aghast, looking from the wreckage to the great, sinister tree whose aspect was so weirdly human and whose roots reached so queerly into the sculptured sepulchre of Kalos.