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第三章讨论形合和意合在英汉和汉英翻译中的应用。The relativity of hypotaxis and parataxis is also discussed in this chapter.

英汉互译时,要进行形合与意合的转换。So, translation should undergo transformation between hypotaxis and parataxis.

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语篇的形合与意合是英汉语言之间最明显的区别特征。The evident difference between English and Chinese is hypotaxis and parataxis.

有关形合与意合的实例在文学作品中也几乎随处可见。The use of hypotaxis and parataxis can be found almost everywhere in literature.

第三章论述英汉语中形合与意合的相对性。Chapter 3 discusses the relativity of hypotaxis and parataxis in English and Chinese.

本文从形合意合角度对英汉两种语言进行了对比。In this article we compare English and Chinese from the point of hypotaxis and parataxis.

形合与意合是俄汉语复合句共有的语法现象。Hypotaxis and parataxis are grammatical features both in Russian and Chinese compound sentences.

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目前翻译的研究集中在形合与意合以及直译与意译的争论。Current studies of translation focus on the argument of hypotaxis vs. parataxis and literal translation vs.

在句内层面上,主要表现在英语句子的主谓机制、介词和填补词的使用。Hypotaxis at the intra-sentential level lies in the S-P mechanism and the use of prepositions and the expletive words.

意合与形合是两种语言不同的组织特点,各有其深厚的文化传统。Parataxis and hypotaxis are two Languages' different organizational characteristics and have their profound cultural tradition.

本文旨在引用商务英语的例句对英语形合和汉语意合进行对比研究。This paper, in business English context, aims to carry out a contrastive study on hypotaxis in English and parataxis in Chinese.

译诗就是用不同的语言移植诗中的意境并同时达到形合和意合这两个目的。Poem translation is to report the artistic conception oft he poem in different languages and succeeds in hypotaxis and parataxis.

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本文从形合及意合的角度对英语和汉语两种语言进行了对比并探讨了形合与意合在英汉翻译中的应用。This paper compares English and Chinese in terms of hypotaxis and parataxis and explores its implications for translation between the two languages.

本文旨在对英、汉语中的形合、意合现象进行辩证研究,以探索其对翻译实践的指导意义。This paper intends to make a dialectical study on hypotaxis and parataxis in English and Chinese, to explore their implications for translation practice.

本文主要从汉、英两种语言中意合及形合的角度对汉语四字格结构的英译进行分析和讨论。In this article, the author mainly discusses English translation of those four-Chinese-character structures at length in terms of parataxis and hypotaxis.

前言介绍意合与形合的定义、意合与形合研究的已有成果、研究的意义、研究的理论和方法。The introduction tells the definition of parataxis and hypotaxis, the achievements, importance, theory and method of the study on parataxis and hypotaxis.

第一章提出了本文对意合形合的定义,确定了本文研究的目的、要点和意义。Based on previous studies, Chapter One presents the definition of parataxis and hypotaxis for the dissertation, defines its aim, main points and significance.

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本文从历史比较语言学的角度论证了英汉两种语言正处于“形合”—“意合”的互动进程之中,“形合”与“意合”在英汉两种语言中只是“量”而非“质”的区别。From the historical-comparative linguistic point of view, the paper demonstrates that both English and Chinese are in an interactive two-way change of hypotaxis vs.

从英汉两种语言不同的组织特点——形合和意合着手,对英汉口译实例进行比较分析。The paper makes an analysis upon the instances appeared in interpretation in terms of the two languages' different organizational characteristics- hypotaxis and parataxis.

英汉语中动结构所表述的基本语义特征是相同的,而它们的差异是由英汉语不同的语言属性决定的。The paper holds that middles in English and Chinese have some semantic properties in common, and the differences are shaped because of hypotaxis of English and parataxis of Chinese.