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我真希望老菲比此刻在我身边。I wished old Phoebe was around.

菲比帮助莫妮卡排遣痛苦。Phoebe helps Monica try to relax.

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一天过去,菲比仍没有音信。A day passed, and still no Phoebe.

菲比劝他好死不如赖活着。Phoebe convinces him to keep living.

菲比干嘛唱歌给卡尔马登听?Why's Phoebe singing to Karl Malden?

菲碧一星期担任四个节目的播音员。Phoebe announces four programs a week.

几天之后,菲比果真回来了。Phoebe did come home a few days later.

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菲比神秘地朝马笑了笑。Phoebe smiled enigmatically at the horse.

莫妮卡和瑞秋用奇怪的眼光看着菲比。Monica and Rachel look at Phoebe strangely.

那就是我想给菲比买的唱片。There was this record I wanted to get for Phoebe.

楠木是我国特有的一种珍贵木材。Phoebe is unique to China a kind of precious wood.

唯一无二的麻花,唯一无二的好味道。Unique Fried Dough Twishs, Unique Good Taste. Phoebe.

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莫妮卡和菲比试用“无痛”去腿毛膏。Monica and Phoebe try out a "painless" leg waxing kit.

菲比和罗斯分别同一对即将离婚的夫妇约会。Phoebe and Ross date a couple who're getting divorced.

菲比硬要拉罗斯和瑞秋同去。Phoebe invites herself, Ross, and Rachel along as well.

嗨,这是瑞秋和菲比的家请在哗声后留言,谢谢。Hi, it's Phoebe and Rachel's. Please leave a message. Thanks!

菲比一眼看穿,但答应不告诉莫妮卡。Phoebe sees right through it but promises not to tell Monica.

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菲比冒充埃斯特拉打电话给乔伊,遭乔伊解雇。Phoebe calls him pretending to be Estelle, and Joey fires her.

老亨利·赖夫斯奈德和妻子菲比是对恩爱的夫妻。Old Henry Reifsneider and his wife Phoebe were a loving couple.

菲比在咖啡馆的沙发垫下发现一枚警察徽章。Phoebe finds a police badge under a cushion at the coffee house.