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这是一种挑战我们朦胧思想的方法。It is a way to defy our obscurity.

在此后的两年里,这首歌一直默默无闻。The song remained in obscurity for two years.

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他在默默无闻的工作中度过了大半生。He spent most of his life working in obscurity.

而那个叫杰斯的黑人就坐在阴暗处的长凳上。On a bench in the obscurity sat the negro Jess.

因此,审查会默默无闻地运作了几十年。So, the panels worked in obscurity for decades.

利蒂霞思索着这些话中的费解之处。Letitia pondered on an obscurity in these words.

他移居阿根廷,无声无息地过活。He moved to Argentina where he lived in obscurity.

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威克里夫出身于中古黑暗时代之中。Wycliffe came from the obscurity of the Dark Ages.

但是,在某些场景中,隐匿一点儿会有帮助。However, in some contexts, a bit of obscurity can help.

我相信,艰涩难懂正是我们精神分析领域的特色。I believe that obscurity is characteristic of our field.

而有时,一件事的危险性正在于它的不公开。Sometimes, in the very obscurity of a fact lurks its danger.

第三,记住通过模糊的安全没有用。Third, remember that security through obscurity does not work.

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Digg保留所有的文档,您甚至可以看到几年以前的东西,并且还可以知道它是否曾经出现在首页,或者湮没无闻。Did it make the front page? Or, did it disappear into obscurity?

民事法益具有不明确性、层级性的特点。Civil legal interest is characterized with obscurity and gradation.

在巴黎,至少,没有人认识你,彼此不相识,倒好象有了件蔽体的衣服。In Paris, at least, no one knows you, and this obscurity is a garment.

在这样的限制及障碍下,念头的精准性是有问题的。Under the condition of the restriction and obscurity , idea is not accurate.

个性化和朦胧化是李商隐象征喻象的重要特征。Individuality and obscurity are the major features of Li's symbolic metaphor.

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隐约模糊中,才容许你做梦和想象。Only in dimness and obscurity can one dream and give play to the imagination.

在这部小说中,奇异性的事象中包蕴着浑涵而神秘的意味。In the novel, the weird and uncanny phenomena symbolize mystery and obscurity.

鼠标的点击决定了什么会在阳光下盛开而什么又会在阴暗中枯萎。Mouse clicks determine what becomes famous and what withers away in obscurity.