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核裁军与核不扩散相辅相成。Nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation are mutually dependent.

第三,应不断完善国际防扩散体制。Third, constantly improving the international nonproliferation regime.

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裁军与防扩散的关系仍然极其重要。The relationship between disarmament and nonproliferation remains crucial.

只有共同达成的防扩散规则制度能够做到这一点。Only a regime of mutually agreed-upon nonproliferation rules could do that.

东北亚地区的核不扩散是否能有一丝成功的机会目前还不得而知。Whether nonproliferation ever had a chance of success in Northeast Asia is unclear.

印度已经试验过核武器,但没有签署国际核不扩散条约。India has tested nuclear weapons but has not signed the international nonproliferation treaty.

中美在军控、裁军与防扩散问题上开展了富有成效的合作。China and the US have productive cooperation in arms control, disarmament and nonproliferation.

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我们将如何能够为盟国提供保障而同时推进我们的核不扩散目标?How can we provide reassurance to our allies in a manner that reinforces our nonproliferation objectives?

此行也将成为标志本届政府的防扩散政策取得成功的重要里程碑。It's also an important milestone in marking the success of this administration's nonproliferation policy.

拥有CPMIEC的中国政府反对美国以核不扩散为由进行贸易制裁。The Chinese government, CPMIEC's owner, has objected to U. S. trade sanctions on nonproliferation grounds.

下个月,在纽约将举行大会来加强已签署40年之久的无核化条约。Next month, there's a meeting in New York on strengthening the 40-year-old nuclear nonproliferation treaty.

一是裁军与防扩散之间相辅相成的关系可能越来越薄弱。One is that the mutually reinforcing relationship between disarmament and nonproliferation may be weakening.

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挫败北韩和伊朗发展核武器的野心对加强不扩散体制至关重要。Thwarting the nuclear ambitions of North Korea and Iran is critical to shoring up the nonproliferation regime.

第一,应坚定维护国际军控、裁军与防扩散条约体系。First, resolutely maintaining the international treaty regime on arms control, disarmament and nonproliferation.

无论是在防扩散或海上安全等领域,我们在该地区均有至关重要的安全利益。We see incredible security interests at stake in the region, whether it is nonproliferation or maritime security.

要实现这种合作,必须拟定措施支持裁军和防扩散的谈判。To achieve this cooperation, measures must be crafted to uphold the bargain between disarmament and nonproliferation.

2001年以来,防扩散制度得到了调整,以应对以前预想不到的核恐怖主义威胁。Since 2001, the nonproliferation regime has adapted to address the previously unimaginable threat of nuclear terrorism.

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印度正在抗击恐怖主义和极端主义,并有着30年来在防扩散事务上行事负责的记录。It is fighting terrorism and extremism, and it has a 30-year record of responsible behavior on nonproliferation matters.

奥巴马因其为在世界范围内促进军控和防核扩散的努力而荣获2009年诺贝尔和平奖。Obama was awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to foster arms control and nuclear nonproliferation worldwide.

中国参加核不扩散峰会暗示着中国与美国合作在立场上反对伊朗和朝鲜拥有核武器。China's participation in the nonproliferation summit hints at cooperation with the U.S. stance against Iran and North Korea.