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他因患中风而死去。Apoplexy struck him down.

这位老人因中风死去。The old man died of apoplexy.

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急性缺血性中风属于中医“中风”范畴。The acute ischemic stroke belongs to Apoplexy in TCM.

不用再怕脑溢血了,痨病却还存在。Apoplexy is no longer to be feared, but phthisis is there.

通腑法亦即下法,为中风病急性期主要治法之一。Purgation is the main therapy for apoplexy at acute stage.

目的分析垂体卒中的发病因素和临床特点。Objective To analyze the etiology and clinical feature of pit uitary apoplexy.

了解中风的病因病机、辨证分型。Understand the etiology, pathogenesis and syndrome differentiation of Apoplexy.

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宫中消息称,这也引发普密蓬国王廷臣间的分歧。It also provoked apoplexy among King Bhumibol's courtiers, says a palace source.

本文运用“拮抗针法”改善中风后遗症的肌痉挛状态。The article adopt "antagonistic acupuncture" to improve spasticity after apoplexy.

理解西医类属中风疾病的鉴别诊断。Understand the differentiation and diagnosis of western medicine cases of Apoplexy.

介绍张琪教授治疗中风的经验。This article discussed professor Zhang Qi's experience in the treatment of apoplexy.

结论帕罗西汀可作为治疗脑卒中后抑郁的首选用药。Conclusion Paroxetine can be first chosen to treat depression caused by cerebral apoplexy.

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他们第一天停下来过夜的时候,爷爷突然中风死了。When their Day I stops to pass the night , grandfather is hit by apoplexy abruptly having died.

目的探讨亚急性垂体卒中的诊断及评价手术治疗效果。Objective To study the diagnosis of subacute pituitary apoplexy and evaluate the surgical results.

高血压是各种类型卒中最重要而且可以干预的危险因素。Hypertension is the most important risk factor of different types apoplexy which can be interfered.

掌握中风的定义、辨证论治和针灸其它疗法。Master the definition, syndrome differentiation, treatment and other acumoxa therapies of Apoplexy.

喻昌将中风病因分为内风和外风。Pathogenic factors of apoplexy were divided into the endogenous wind and exopathic wind by Yu Chang.

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总结王左教授对急性出血性中风的认识。This paper summarized professor Wang Zuo's experience in the treatment of acute hemorrhagic apoplexy.

目的探讨脑卒中患者心律失常情况及其与岛叶病变的关系。Objective To assess the effect of insular cortex on cardiac damage in patients with cerebral apoplexy.

一位脑中风的病患在长廊练习复健运动,这条路走起来似乎漫无止境。A victim of apoplexy taking rehabilitation exercise along a corridor. The road to recovery is a long one.