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要有耐心和祷告。Be patient and pray.

他的病人笑。His patient chuckled.

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她守护在病人身旁。She sat by the patient.

病人很衰弱。The patient is very weak.

心肠好的人一定总是有耐烦。A kind man is not patient.

不要惊动病人。Don't disturb the patient.

现在他好了,能忍着点啦。He's good and patient now.

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病人是无创的。The patient is non-invasive.

我有痛风可以吃吗?Can a gouty patient eat nuts?

将你自己做到最好,并要有耐心。Do your best, and be patient.

护士给病人翻了个身。The nurse turned the patient.

那个病人有些轻微的发烧。The patient has a mild fever.

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这位病人脉搏很弱。The patient has a weak pulse.

病人离康复还差得远。The patient is far from well.

这个病人已脱离危险。The patient is out of danger.

欣克利很有耐心的那一天。Hinckley was patient that day.

他应该耐性等待,并开始存钱?Should he be patient and save?

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病人开始发抖起来。The patient fell on trembling.

这位病人已经又被检查了一次。The patient has been retested.

那个病人起床外出走动了。The patient was out and about.