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个人财务规划与退休金。Personal Financial Planning & Superannuation.

现在的教师得纳入国家退休金体系。Teachers now have to come under the State Superannuation Scheme.

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我们没有直接获得收入可以花费,它在我们的养老金里。We don't get this income directly to spend now – it is in our superannuation.

此37.3条款适用于客户是养老金基金受托人的情况。This clause 37.3 will apply where the Customer is a trustee of a superannuation fund.

不易转化为现金的资产,如住宅、退休金等。Assets which are not easily converted into cash such as your house, superannuation etc.

他们应该为人寿保险,医疗保险,或者是退休金发愁吗?Should they consider life insurance, health insurance, or superannuation for retirement?

所以你认为你的雇主为你付出强制九个百分点年金保证?So you think your employer is paying your compulsory nine percent superannuation guarantee?

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澳大利亚的退休基金什么时候会像外国人在澳大利亚看到的那样引人注意?When will Australia's superannuation funds wake up to what foreign investors see in Australia?

迈克尔戴维森,澳洲会计师的年金政策顾问强调要检查你的超级。Michael Davison, CPA Australia's superannuation policy adviser, stresses the need to check your super.

但是,从长远的妇女不工作的时间越长,他们错过雇主贡献退休金。But the longer women do not work, the longer they miss out on employer contributions to superannuation.

核对工资中自动扣除的数额,如住房贷款,退休金和挂账等。Reconciles automatic payroll deductions such as housing loan, superannuation payments, city ledger, etc.

提供人寿保险、意外伤残保险和养老保险等有助于吸引和留住雇员。Offering life insurance and total and permanent disability cover with superannuation can help attract and retain employees.

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以便在市场经济的条件下,尽可能地实现养老基金保值增值。In order to under market economy's condition, realizes the superannuation fund inflation-proofing and appreciation as far as possible.

传统上,主要的雇主,精算师已人寿保险公司,退休金基金和精算的顾问公司。Traditionally, the major employers of actuaries have been life insurance companies, superannuation funds and actuarial consulting firms.

将在今年7月1日生效的和其他在以后的岁月里生效的变化,可以被描述为退休金制度的一个革命。The changes that will come into effect on the 1st of July this year and others in later years can be described as a revolution of the superannuation system.

此更新如下新西兰元退休金基金的公告本月初说它打算撤资由公司参与制作的集束弹药。This update follows the nz superannuation fund's announcement earlier this month that it intends to divest from companies involved in the production of cluster munitions.

根据联邦法规规定,如果雇员要求拿出更多的工资放进养老金户头,一旦额外的养老金交纳部分确定了就不能再减少。As per Federal Legislation or increased by such further salary sacrifice payments as the Employee may request. Once optional payments for superannuation are made they cannot be reduced.

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20C70年代,通货膨胀和失业增长,随着1976年国民退休金的推行和其他增加收入的措施,政府在社会福利的话费增加。Infation and unemployment grew in the 1970s, and government spending on social welfare increased with the introduction of National Superannuation in 1976 and a range of other income support measures.

在20世纪70年代,通货膨胀和失业率人数增长,随着1976年国际退休金和其他收入支持措施,政府在社会福利的消费增加了。Inflation and unemployment grew in the 1970s, and government spending on social welfare increased with the introduction of National Superannuation in 1976 and a range of other income support measures.