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端口映射服务启动失败!MAP service startup failed!

采用快速启动碘镓灯。Fast startup iodine-gallium lamp.

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净会检查当前网络安装版启动。NET installed version on startup.

我像创业一般对待这条路线。I treat this course like a startup.

启动过流保护装置。Startup the current protective device.

东奔西忙的创业生活让人上瘾The buzz of startup life is addictive.

为什么在经济安机外守业?Why to Start a Startup in a Bad Economy?

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我应该投资在我的创业上。I should be betting on my startup instead.

它可以设置为自动在系统启动。It can be set to autorun at system startup.

这些软盘通常称为“启动软盘”。These are often called "startup diskettes."

我们成立一个启动器就可以替代钥匙。We funded one startup that's replacing keys.

设备安装时自动开始时间同步。Automatical time synchronize on device startup.

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没有启动盘这个机器发了言。There was no startup disk made by this machine.

有很多地方可以得到启动资金。There are lots of places to get startup capital.

苹果保持胜绩的原因是它是一个巨大的“初创公司”。Apple keeps winning because it's a giant startup.

要跳过制作启动盘,请单击“取消”。To skip creating your startup disk, click Cancel.

现在一个22岁的年青人就能守业。A startup now can be just a pair of 22 year old guys.

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单击“确定”以关闭“罗斯文商贸”启动屏幕。Click OK to close the Northwind Traders startup screen.

查看创办小公司的最新科技动态See the latest in technology for small business startup

XPCOM发送一个它正在被启动的通知。XPCOM sends a notification that it's beginning startup.