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该书中的人物写得有血有肉。The portrayal of the characters in the novel is lifelike.

秋叶不争功,我想这就是她真实写照。Akiba undisputed power, I think this is a true portrayal of her.

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实际上,因为金的戏剧形象,他曾获过金球奖。In fact, Jim was awarded a Colden Globe for his dramatic portrayal.

实际上,因为金的戏剧形象,他曾获过金球奖。In fact, Jim was awarded a Golden Globe for his dramatic portrayal.

那由达喀尔茫茫黄沙与玫瑰湖畔发出的呼喊不正是此时我们的写照吗?The Dakar vast sand and rose Lake screaming is the portrayal of us?

管理人认为,这正会是华文学会筹委们的心情写照吧?The Manager believed that this could be CCS committees' mood portrayal?

然不晓杨鸿者,寡”,就是真实的写照。However does not understand Yang Hongzhe, widowed", is the real portrayal."

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他们的描述忽视了圣经中的描写,从而导致了一个问题。Their portrayal causes a problem as it seems to ignore what the Bible says.

这部小说所刻画的一个或多个角色都是个体。The novel is the portrayal of one or several characters who are individuals.

这部电影讲述的是逆境中的胜利,然而故事本身单薄且重复。As a portrayal of triumph over adversity, the story seems thin and repetitive.

采用型面特征描述法完成箱体形零件信息的描述与输入。The shape feature method is applied to portrayal and input box-type parts information.

很多评论家说,他在自己演绎的铁血男儿中注入了幽默和敏感。Many critics said he brought humor and sensitivity to his portrayal of the Man of Steel.

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宋濂的诗歌如他的散文一样,以善于刻画人物见长。Song Lian's Poems, just like others' prose, are noted for vivid portrayal of characters.

这种图示方法既强调了海退性质也强调了同时性。This method of portrayal emphasizes both the regressive nature and the time equivalence.

画像砖艺术早在汉代就已经发展到了高峰。Art of portrayal bricks have been to the peak early in the development of the Han Dynasty.

这是欧洲渴望接近中国、了解中国的真实写照。This is a vivid portrayal of Europe's desire to move closer to China and understand China.

克里夫·厚普将人们的敌意归因于卡波特对凶手的率直描绘。Cliff Hope puts the ongoing hostility down to Capote's unblinking portrayal of the killers.

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但同时也有人指出,梦工厂将斑斓的中国古文化过度简化成了单调的2D影像。Others said DreamWorks's take on China's ancient culture fell as flat as its 2-D portrayal.

电影情节中对能源的描绘各式各样,有时精确无误、有时略显夸张,而有时则是彻头彻尾的胡扯。The cinematic portrayal of energy has varied from spot-on to loose to downright ridiculous.

有明确的证据表明,这个节目是一个虚构事件的戏剧化表现。There is clear evidence that the show was a dramatic portrayal of arguably fictional events.