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现代道德哲学的困境突出地表现为“道”与“言”的冲突。The pungent conflict of "Dao" and language exhibits the puzzledom of the modern educational philosophy.

赵汀阳所谓的“自由的困境”,是建立在抽象理解的需要的无限性与资源的有限性基础上的。"The puzzledom of freedom" hold by Zhao Tingyang is based on the abstract understanding that infinite demands and finite resources.

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小说本体是一个流动的范畴,二十世纪中期以来西方小说界普遍面临“小说末日”的困惑。Fiction itself is a flowing term. Since 1950s, the fiction circle in western countries has been confronted with the puzzledom of 'fictional destruction'.

农村私有房屋买卖的法律困境突出表现是买卖合同效力认定问题和买卖合同登记问题。The juristical puzzledom in rural private houses transaction comes in chief from the two puzzles of legal recognition and register of the business contract.

从思想观念、组织结构、人事制度和经营管理四个方面探讨了国有外贸企业经营困境的内在机理。Meanwhile, it discusses the interior reason for the management puzzledom from the four aspects as thought, organizing structure, human resource system and management.

高职思想政治教育具有不同于其他普通高校的个性特征,它决定高职思想政治教育面临的困扰也具有一定的特殊性。Idea and politics education in higher vocational college is different from other general colleges or universities, which decides its puzzledom facing has itself feature.

通过对功利主义的阐述和批判,罗尔斯揭示了功利主义在跨越个人的直觉需求与共同体的价值准则时所遇到的无法克服的理论困境。Through cognition and criticism, Rawls discloses the theory puzzledom in the utilitarianism ideas, which spans the agent's intuition and the value rule of the community.

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最后,针对国产手机营销中存在的一些问题,提出了一些优化措施建议,希望这些启示和建议能对国产手机早日走出困境有所促进。Finally, basing on some sales problems of domestic mobile, this article put forward some optimize measures, which are expected to helpful to walk out puzzledom in the future.

然自世纪之交以来,中国的女性主义文学批评逐渐丧失了上世纪90年代前中期那种广受瞩目的冲击力,“陷入困境”已成了它现状的真实写照。However, since the time of century alternation, Chinese Feminist Criticism had begun to lose its profound impact of 1990s. "Getting in puzzledom" has become the visual portraiture of its actuality.

谈话节目作为中国电视最常见的节目形态之一,其主要困境在于与自然的话语状态不符,而根源则在于未能处理好大众传播与人际传播之间的关系。At present time, puzzledom of talk show is falling short of daily talking fettle. The cause is mostly failing on dealing with the relation between mass communication and interpersonal communication.

在这一章我们引入了国际价值链的理论,从我国外贸企业在国际价值链中的位置揭示了其经营困难的深层原因。In this chapter, we introduce the innovation theory that exposes the deep reason for the state-owned foreign trade enterprise's management puzzledom from its position in the international value chain.