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喜欢瘫痪和病魔缠身的题材?Prefer paralysis and disease?

更少的恐惧造成更少的麻痹。Less fear makes paralysis less likely.

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自由太多会导致分析瘫痪.Too much freedom causes analysis paralysis.

最常见的类型是猎浣熊犬瘫痪。The most common type is Coonhound paralysis.

消除麻痹大惫的思想。Eliminates the paralysis greatly exhausted thought.

梦到肢体瘫痪也可以归到这一类来。Dreams of paralysis can also fit into this category.

痉挛性瘫痪是一种脑性瘫痪形式。Spastic paralysis is a spastic form of cerebral palsy.

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瘫痪病人现在是有希望的。And there is hope for the future for paralysis patients.

这可能导致意识丧失,瘫痪或死亡。It may result in loss of consciousness , paralysis or death.

在某些严重病例中,大脑肿胀可导致瘫痪或死亡。In severe cases, brain swelling can lead to paralysis or death.

很难解释那是什么样的感觉,几乎就跟瘫痪了一样。It’s hard to explain the feeling –it’s almost like a paralysis.

所以这种分析上的麻痹症,有时会发生。And so this notion of analysis paralysis can sometimes take hold.

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中枢性及周围性面瘫的鉴别诊断。Master the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of facial paralysis.

外展神经轻瘫是此综合征的最早症象。Mild abductor nerve paralysis is the earliest sign of this syndrome.

现在我的脚指甲有点断裂,而且脚趾头也有点麻痹的感觉。Now my toe nail was broken and also have a little paralysis feeling.

症状轻则出现轻度的无力与便秘,重则出现瘫痪。Symptoms can range from mild weakness and constipation to paralysis.

在你发现一个瘫痪者之前你已经检查了200个儿童。You had to inspect 200 children before you found one with paralysis.

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肢体痉挛是偏瘫恢复中需要解决的重要问题。Spastic limb paralysis recovery is an important issue to be resolved.

即瘫痪同时伴发大小便失禁。This means that urine and stool incontinence will accompany paralysis.

人们指责是印度的横加干涉导致了尼泊尔的政治瘫痪。Political paralysis has given rise to accusations of meddling by India.