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是一桩刑事案吗?Is it a criminal case?

我感觉像个罪犯。I felt like a criminal.

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犯罪心理第2季全。Criminal Minds Season 2.

那个罪犯被绞死。The criminal was hanged.

那个罪犯被戴上了脚镣手铐。The criminal was ironed.

他是一个惯犯。He is a habitual criminal.

他被罪犯开枪射中了。He was shot by the criminal.

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但假设它是犯罪行为。But suppose it were criminal.

罪犯被拿获。The criminal was apprehended.

犯人获准交保释放。The criminal was granted bail.

他们拒绝为一名罪犯作保。They refused to bond a criminal.

他们正在追缉一名罪犯。They are running down a criminal.

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警察抓获了那个罪犯。The police picked up the criminal.

决不让一个犯罪分子漏网。Don't let a single criminal escape.

甚至犯罪案件也不能幸免。Even criminal cases are not immune.

一个公车售票员抓住了罪犯。A bus conductor caught the criminal.

约翰杰伊刑事司法学院John Jay College of Criminal Justice

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警察抓获了那个罪犯。The policeman led the criminal away.

这个犯人整天受到限制。The criminal was cabined all the day.

也许我该做个刑事律师。Perhaps I should be a criminal lawyer.