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植物学家能区分各种不同的植物。A botanist can differentiate varieties of plants.

百思不得乓解,他便去请教一位植物学家。We shall not, he went to table a botanist consult.

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这里我们应该感谢植物学家弗雷德康维尔。And we have a botanist named Fred Coville to thank.

比如,一个植物学家可能只研究一种特殊的植物。For instance a botanist may study one particular plant.

维弗扮演一位植物学家,监督这次探险。Sigourney Weaver plays a botanist overseeing the exploration.

这就是著名的热带植物学家蔡希陶先生和他的学生们。This is the famed tropical botanist Cai Xitao with his students.

约瑟夫胡克是达尔文的铁哥们儿,一个勇敢无畏的植物学家和探险家。Darwin's great buddy was Joseph Hooker, the intrepid botanist and explorer.

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植物学家所指的浆果和一般大众口中的浆果通常是两种颇为不同的果类。The berry of the botanist and the berry of the public are often two quite different fruits.

其他紫檀料是否属同一树种?还有待于植物学家作进一步的鉴定。Other materials are of the same species of red sandalwood?Botanist has yet to be identified further.

脚肚子一软,植物学者竟像被点了穴,迈不动步了。Suddenly his leg felt weak, the botanist could not step forward as if his vital points were touched.

他给他的朋友、植物学家约瑟夫.胡克写信,在信中他谈到,谈论进化论就像“承认自己是凶手一样”。He wrote to his friend, botanist Joseph Hooker, that speaking about evolution "was like confessing a murder."

欧洲历史上关键人物是著名的植物学家卡罗勒斯·克鲁斯,他对郁金香非常感兴趣。A key figure in the history of European is the famous botanist Carolus Clusius, who is very interested in tulips.

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古人云“春江水暖鸭先知”,但今年的春季似乎来得特别早,植物学家在观测研究了鲜花盛开的情况后得出了这一结论。Spring arrived incredibly early this year, according to a botanist who monitors the blooming patterns of flowers.

今年春天花开得特别早,听说这是全球天气变热的征兆。spring arrived incredibly early this year, according to a botanist who monitors the blooming patterns of flowers.

在剑桥大学,达尔文师从才华横溢的植物学家亨斯洛,致力于自然史方面的钻研。At Cambridge Darwin pursued his natural history interests and made a mentor of the brilliant botanist John Henslow.

植物学家罗伯特福琛不远万里前往中国窃取茶叶制造的商业秘密,其间却发现了一个惊人骗局。Botanist Robert Fortune traveled to China and stole trade secrets of the tea industry, discovering a fraud in the process

我这个既非居埃尔、也非任何植物学家所能发现的世界,将是一个乐园,但我只能勾勒出它的轮廓。This world of mine, which neither a Cuvier nor a botanist can find, will be a Paradise which I shall have only sketched out.

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让我们假设这样一个案例,你是一个植物学家,你的母亲在退休老人中心想让你给她的园艺俱乐部做一个演讲。Let's say for example, you are a botanist and your mother at the retirement center wants you to give a talk to her gardening club.

植物学家沃伦·瓦格纳认为植物至上,这情有可原。毕竟,最先出现的生物是绿藻。Hostess A botanist like Professor Warren Wagner can be forgiven for being a plant chauvinist. After all, in the beginning came pond scum.

本次的预告片中,新出现了一位保护世界防止僵尸攻击的植物学家,还有他那破旧不堪的时光机器。The trailer features the botanist who saves the world from the zombie onslaught, as well as the man's ramshackle time machine, and Plants vs.