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抑是“人”的觉醒?Or the awakening of Man?

惊破一番新梦。Awakening a new dream, startled.

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这次他才如梦初醒。This time he had a rude awakening.

我唤起民众对自然的热爱。I am awakening people's love of nature.

这是我对“唤醒快乐”课程的回顾。Here is my review of the Awakening Joy course.

他用一种古怪的如梦方醒的神情看着她。He looked at her with a droll sort of awakening.

西凤醒悟本人误解向南了。I misunderstood the south west chicken awakening.

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中国像一个从沉睡中觉醒的巨人。China is like a giant awakening from a heavy sleep.

按照神的旨意唤醒世界伟大的地区。In awakening the worlds great regions to Gods will.

什么是构成觉醒和涅磐的道路?What constitutes the Path to Awakening and Nirvana?

“悟”就是见性,是人生观和世界观的根本转变。"Awakening"is that the man reveals his ture nature.

这种醒觉,简直和猫的脚步一样地轻悄。The awakening was almost feline in its stealthiness.

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它能加快你精神的发展和觉醒。It increases your spiritual development and awakening.

觉醒吧,用金钱买不到后悔药!Awakening it, with money to buy medicine not regret it!

鼠兔在漫长的冬眠后被粗鲁的唤醒。Pikas get a rude awakening from their long hibernation.

谁是你在觉醒之时找到你的第一个法师?Who was the first mage to find you upon your Awakening?

然而,西方却并不能将这场觉醒归功于自己。But the West cannot claim the credit for this awakening.

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这一浮现的觉醒是万有之源的一份祝福。This emerging awakening is a blessing from Source of All.

第二次的变革是以灵量唤醒的形式。This second revolution took the form of Kundalini awakening.

我将奉行对佛陀真悟的崇敬。I will fare with reverence for the Buddha's genuine Awakening.