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海沃德作为一名钻探地质学家于1982年加入了BP。Hayward started at BP as a rig geologist in 1982.

导演是吉米·哈沃德和史蒂夫·马汀诺。And the film is directed by Jimmy Hayward and Steve Martino.

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海沃德还表示,考克斯为了花更多的时间和她的孩子相处正要离职。Cox was stepping down to spend more time with her children, Hayward added.

也许,沙特对之前夸大国内石油储量有些后悔,如果是这种情况,我们麻烦就大了。Meanwhile Saudi oil production has fallen, as AEI's Steve Hayward told me.

没有爱一个人会看破红尘也会变得凶狠残忍。Without love a person could go hayward and also become cruel and ferocious.

这位得州议员向唐熙华道歉一事引发了一场风暴。Barton. The Texas lawmaker's apology to Mr. Hayward had touched off a storm.

没有爱,一个人将走向不归路,变得凶暴、残忍。Without love a person could go hayward and also become cruel and ferocious.

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由此,海华企业将进入更强、更快、更加稳健的发展阶段。Therefore, enterprises will enter Hayward stronger, faster, more stable stage of development.

当时,11名工人在Horizon平台上死于非命,时任公司首席执行官的托尼•海沃德却说,他希望生活重回正轨。Then-CEO Tony Hayward said he wanted his life back, when 11 workers had died on the Horizon rig.

媒体跟他打交道将会更加轻松,因此,他比海沃德更适合这个工作”。The media will take it a lot easier on him. He will fit in the landscape better than Tony Hayward.

罗迪克,大学篮球联赛的超级粉丝,上星期打电话给巴特勒大学的篮球手海沃德表示祝贺。Andy Roddick, a huge college basketball fan, called Butler player Gordon Hayward last week to offer congratulations.

海沃德先生拒绝对证词做出评价,他说现在对事故的起因做出猜测还为时尚早。Mr. Hayward declined to comment on the testimony, saying it was too early to speculate on the causes of the incident.

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据分析人士讲,如果杜德雷先生这次能够成功的处理这些事情,那么他最终将完美的取代已经四面楚歌的海沃德。If Mr. Dudley succeeds in this assignment, analysts say, he could very well end up replacing the embattled Mr. Hayward.

我们海沃德能源解决方案的产品线是专为一样好,为地球,因为这是为池主人。Our Hayward Energy Solutions line of products is designed to be just as good for the Earth as it is for the pool owner.

讽刺的是,唐熙华成为首席执行长以后便发誓要“像激光一样”把注意力集中到安全和可靠的施工上。It is ironic that when Hayward became chief executive, he vowed to focus “like a laser” on safety and reliable operations.

墨西哥湾的油溢可能要持续多4年,彼尔德伯格人英国石油公司行政总裁海沃德本人已承认。The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico could continue for four more years, the Bilderberg BP CEO Tony Hayward himself has admitted.

伯南克那种相信经济复苏将于明年开始的乐观情绪,并没有传染给英国柏德豪会计师事务所,它对英国经济的看法依然悲观。Bernanke's optimism that the economic recovery will begin next year is not shared for the UK by accountancy firm BDO Stoy Hayward.

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有意者请向所在的办事处经理说明,也可以在3月13号之前与希思维拉斯的利克·黑沃德联系。If you wish to apply for the vacancy, please speak with your office manager and contact Rick Hayward at Health Villas by 13 March.

当然,唐熙华为了给公司与如此巨大的漏油事故中准备不足辩护,肯定对事故的概率有充分的了解。Of course, to justify their poor preparation to combat such a large leak of oil, Hayward may have greatly understated its probability.

海沃德认为,目前的油价是合理的,因为它能支持投资新的石油开采项目而同时又不破坏需求。Hayward said the current price range for oil was convenient because it would support investment in new supply without destroying demand.