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山毛榉在车床上很容易车制。Beech turns easily in the lathe.

操作台是由结实的山毛榉木做成的。The worktop is made of solid beech.

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树林里长的都是橡树和山毛。The woods were all of oak and beech.

书房置榉木书柜和电脑台。Home study, beech bookcases and computer tables.

他们在一棵高大的山毛榉树下的草坪上坐着。They were sitting on the lawn under a large beech tree.

临近傍晚的时候,他忽然在一棵很高的山毛榉上发现了一只浣熊。Then , toward evening, he spotted a racoon high in a beech tree.

臀位分娩与IVH的发生有统计学意义。Beech delivery played an important role in the occurrence of IVH.

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没有一颗树有白桦美丽的树干,和赶上它出奇的漂亮。No tree has so fair a bole and so handsome an instep as the beech.

这儿有株山毛榉和一株铁杉长在一起,旁边还有三株松树。Here is a beech by the side of a hemlock, with three pines at hand.

他猛地一挂档,车子呼啸着驶入树林间的小路。He jerked the car into gear and roared out into the beech hung lane.

栗属植物属山毛榉科,此科还包括橡属和山毛榉属。Chestnut is in the family Fagaceae which also includes oak and beech.

我喜欢用山毛榉木快速燃烧,用橡木阴燃。I like a selection of beech for fast-burning and oak for smouldering.

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幼虫生活在山毛榉的叶子,栎,和其他一些树木。The larvae live on the leaves of beech , oak, and several other trees.

荷兰人亚历克斯·科勒维恩在熏制室山毛榉和橡木火上烧烤鳗鱼。Eels cook over a beech and oak fire at Dutchman Alex Koelewijn's smokehouse.

当然,大约200年前,印第安纳波利斯是遍地山毛榉和枫树的高山林地。Of course, roughly 200 years ago, Indianapolis was an upland forest of beech and maple.

源于自然的灵性之光,在白榉木的光滑曲线里恣意升腾。The spirit light coming from nature is rising freely in the smooth curve of the white beech.

这是冰暴之后,一棵山毛榉树上挂满了厚厚的冰凌,几乎要将树枝压断。The residue of an ice storm glazes a beech tree, pushing its branches to a near-breaking point.

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墙面是用好几层蜜色木板做成的,这些木板都取材于当地的山毛榉树。The walls are made of several layers of honey-coloured wood, all sourced from local beech trees.

点缀着山毛榉树的白垩悬崖形成了德国鲁根岛激动人心的海岸线。White-chalk cliffs studded with beech trees form the dramatic coastline of Rugen Island, Germany.

设计师使用了大面积的榉木色门板的推拉滑动门,并配合了金属网格的门板使用。Designers used large beech color of push-pull sliding door, and with a metal grid to use the door.