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我感到精疲力竭。I feel washed up.

我已经洗手不干了。I'm all washed up.

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他被洗清罪恶。He is washed from sin.

这种布很好洗。The cloth washed easily.

那桥被冲掉了。The bridge had washed out.

那件衬衫正被洗着。The shirt is being washed.

洪水冲坏了道路。The flood washed out the road.

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他们很快洗了洗。They washed themselves quickly.

巨浪把他从船上卷落海。A huge wave washed him overboard.

他洗去外衣上的脏东西。He washed the dirt from his coat.

她洗了洗樱桃,给樱桃去了核。She washed and stoned the cherry.

洪水冲坏了公路。The flood washed out the highway.

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那女孩把衣服放在木盆里洗。The girl washed clothes in a tub.

暴雨冲毁了公路。The storm washed out the highway.

通过如许每一小点脏工具就会被清洗掉。Any specks of dirt are washed out.

他丢手不管了。He washed his hands of the matter.

连卖他之人的脚他也洗了。He washed the feet of His betrayer.

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我想要洗头并剪短发型。I'd like my hair washed and bobbed.

塔莉亚走过来为我洗头发。Talia came over and washed my hair.

蓝天刷上薄淡金。The blue sky washed in soft golden.