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她正在进行治疗。She is under treatment.

治疗如何起效?How does treatment work?

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我的头发需要焗油吗?Do I need hair treatment?

可治疗月经过多。Treatment of menorrhagia.

性爱是一种美容美体。Sex is a beauty treatment.

治疗后随访。E. Follow-up after treatment.

公平对待和廉洁自律。Fair treatment and integrity.

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激光治疗尖锐湿疣。Laser treatment of condyloma.

第二步是治疗该病。The second step is treatment.

灰口铸铁的热处理。Gray cast iron heat treatment.

唯一的出路是治疗。The only way out is treatment.

椎间盘突出咋样治疗最好。Zeyang disc treatment is best.

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疗程短见效快。Quick short course of treatment.

怎样使用这种喷雾式护理剂?How do I use this spray treatment?

腮腺炎怎么能快治疗?Parotitis how can quick treatment?

肝素为首选的治疗剂。Heparin is the treatment of choice.

疝气治疗费是多少钱?Hernia treatment costs is how much?

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我很想很想拔火罐。I am dying for a cupping treatment.

有些感冒可不治而愈。Some colds abort without treatment.

一名服用美沙酮的治疗者说。Taking methadone, a treatment that.