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2014年限期是误导性的。The 2014 deadline is misleading.

标志误人,它使我迷了路。The misleading sign led me astray.

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但是,这些数据是误导。These figures, however, are misleading.

这算欺骗吗,这算误导吗Now is that deceptive, is it misleading?

凭外表判断是会误事的。Judging by appearances can be misleading.

“SyncML”这个名字在某种程度上会产生误解。The name "SyncML" is somewhat misleading.

从某种意义上说,这种说法不免失之偏颇。In a sense such a statement is misleading.

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观测研究常常会误导。Observational studies are often misleading.

所以这个问题从一开始就令人误解。So the question is misleading from the start.

但是它们也可能因为同样的理由被误解。But they can be misleading for the same reason.

有些电影对儿童有误导作用。Some films have a misleading effect on children.

量大从优的促销误导是零售商喜欢使用的伎俩。Misleading bulk sales are another retail favorite.

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其实,即使最好的资料数据也可以巧妙的误导你。Well, even the best data can be subtly misleading.

但是和冷战的这种对比是有误导性的。But the parallels with the cold war are misleading.

但这一许诺也可能片面而具误导性。But this would be a partial and misleading promise.

不得重现或导演新闻事件,以避免误导。Avoid misleading re-enactments or staged news events.

Walgren说误导性陈述可以显示内疚。Walgren says misleading statements can show guilt. Dr.

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警察发现线索是假的,会让人产生误解。The police found that the clue was false and misleading.

你相信埃克森莫比尔公司关于能源股的骗人广告吗?Believe Exxon-Mobile’s misleading ads about energy stocks.

然而,这只是这个故事的——有误导性的——一面。However, this is only one – misleading – side of the story.