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上帝真的爱冠希。God truly loves Edison.

您喜欢爱迪生·陈?Do you like Edison Chen?

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让我以爱迪生为例。Let me take Edison for example.

托马斯·爱迪生拥有1093项专利。Thomas Edison held 1,093 patents.

不锈钢爱迪生镊等。Stainless steel Edison forceps etc.

通用电气的托马斯爱迪生和查尔斯科芬。Thomas Edison and Charles Coffin, of GE.

爱迪生盖茨这种疯子谁人能比?Edison gates this madman than anyone can?

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像托马斯·爱迪生那样勤奋工作的人很少。Thomas A. Edison are few and far between.

来自托马斯.爱迪生的7个令人惊叹的成功经验Amazing Success Lessons from Thomas Edison

亨利·福特十分欣赏爱迪生。Henry Ford admired Thomas Edison very much.

爱迪生电报机,原型,1890年。Edison Telegraph machine, prototype, c. 1890.

爱迪生的这种装置叫电影视镜。Edison had a device known as the Kinetoscope.

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托马斯·爱迪生是一位美国著名的科学家。Thomas Edison was a great American scientist.

陈冠希是一个有钱的花心大萝卜。D. Edison Chen is a goddamned rich philanderer.

爱迪生于1931年去世,享年84岁。Edison died in 1931, at the age of eighty-four.

爱迪生缘何成为大发明家?Unit 15 How Did Edison Become a Great Inventor?

爱迪生冲上去把孩子抱开脱了险。Edison rushed out and carried the boy to safety.

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爱迪生很年轻时就因创造发明而一举成名。Edison won his spurs as an inventor while young.

相信自己,坚持自己。你就是唯吾独尊的陈冠希。Edison Chen. Do you know?You are so great for me.

爱迪生是一位伟大的发明家,他名扬天下。Edison is a great inventor whose fame is world-wide.