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青钢影简直无敌,谁能够制裁?Camille invincible, who can sanction?

教会不会认可他的第二次婚姻。The church would not sanction his second marriage.

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他们将作贱第二次婚姻所生的孩子。The church would not sanction his second marriage.

美国有时间召集更多的制裁支持者。The US has time to line up more sanction supporters.

到底具备什么样的证据才能对用户进行制裁了?What kind of evidence would be used to sanction users?

官方的批准和资金支持不过是第一道坎。Official sanction and funding are only the first hurdles.

这将是工作的务实的布尔制裁。This is to be the work of the Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges.

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同时,羞辱或耻辱感对骑士亦具有极强的约束力。Meanwhile, humiliation also has strong sanction over knights.

正因为他是阿加西,他就不能逃脱制裁。Just because he is Andre Agassi he should not escape sanction.

如触犯刑律的,要依法追究刑事责任。Those who violate the criminal law shall be under criminal sanction.

GOMA盃2011已申请为田总认可赛事,祝各位走出佳绩。星期日见!GOMA Cup 2011 is a HKAAA sanction race . Good luck and see you on Sunday!

反贪机构的一名官员也将面临行政处分。An official of the anti-graft body will also face administrative sanction.

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康乐部门允许我们在这个公园里玩球。We have the sanction of the recreation department to play ball in this park.

所以说枭龙战斗机实际上是一款不会受到制裁的飞机。That's why the JF-17 is practically one of the first Sanction proofed planes.

行政处罚显失公正的,可以判决变更。If an adminis. rative sanction is. obviously unfair, it may be amended by judgment.

所以,父亲是强权的象征,是儿子的压迫者和制裁者。So, father is a symbol of the power, and is the sons oppressor and sanction person.

她说,新的限制措施“并未用尽我们制裁伊朗的机会”。The new restrictions “do not exhaust our opportunities to sanction Iran, ” she said.

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司法机构在促进调解方面的工作,亦得到讼费罚则的辅助。The efforts by the Judiciary to promote mediation are underpinned by a costs sanction.

每一个被我们制裁的国家对中国来说都是个商业机遇。Scott Griswold 9 hours ago Every country we sanction is a business opportunity for China.

由于服侍太后,这位无能的司机在这场车祸中没有受到任何法律的制裁。In the service of the empress, this inept chauffeur faced no legal sanction for the mishap.