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当荧光呼拉圈遭遇爪哇加麦兰。Glowing hula hoop meets Javanese Gamelan.

我们所做的是将我们的特色注入加麦兰的音乐里。What we're doing is infusing our personality into the gamelan.

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接下来是一个三人组合表演传统乐器爪哇加麦兰。This group is playing a traditional instrument called Javanese Gamelan.

他们就是在摇篮中听着加麦兰长大的。They are brought up listening to the sound of the Gamelan as their lullabies.

印度尼西亚,佳美兰乐队用锣、鼓和木琴演奏音乐。In indonesia , gamelan orchestras play music on gongs , drums , and xylophones.

这是第一堂学习如何敲击甘美朗的Gansa的第一堂课,乐器来自印尼巴里岛。This is the first lesson of playing Gansa, the Gamelan instruments from Indonesia, Bali.

舞者踏着柔曼的步伐在甘马兰乐器中轻声细唱----一个远古的神秘。Dancers moved in gentle steps to gamelan music, whispering in song about this ancient mystery.

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但是,对于经常演奏如铜锣这类非谐振乐器的加麦兰乐队而言,他们的喜好恐怕截然相反。But an ensemble of gamelan masters, who play inharmonic instruments like gongs, might beg to differ.

演奏了数年爪哇佳美兰,并为其创作了一些作品。She has played Javanese gamelan for many years and has composed several compositions using these instruments.

两个布鲁克林人,拥有对音乐的爱好和对机器人的痴迷,这样的组合催生了世界上第一个完整的加麦兰民族管弦乐团机器人。A love for music and a fascination for robotics prompt two Brooklyn men to build the world's first fully robotic Gamelan Orchestra.

此外,乐队中特别加入了一个仿照甘美兰乐队的独立键盘敲击乐组,令乐团的声响耳目一新。One unusual acoustic feature is the insertion of keyboard percussion group which is configured after a gamelan section ensemble, a refreshing orchestral sound is resulted.

甘美兰是印度尼西亚传统的民间音乐,其突出的特点是以打击乐器为主体进行合奏,管弦乐器仅处于辅助地位。Gamelan is Indonesia's traditional folk music, its striking feature is using percussion instrument as the main part, orchestral musical instrument just being in additional position.

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一到星期天的下午,街道上就会传来名为加麦兰的印尼传统打击乐的叮当声,在通往位于曼哈顿东边的印尼领事馆的这一路上都能听得到这声响。On Sunday afternoons, the clang of traditional Indonesian percussion music known as gamelan wafts down the street, audible on the approach to the Indonesian Consulate on Manhattan's east side.