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好一群懒虫。What a bunch of slackers.

真是群爱哭鬼。What bunch of cry babies.

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如果是一群腹语师们么?A bunch of ventriloquists?

那全是一堆废话。That's a bunch of hogwash.

他们不过是一群蝼蚁罢了!They were a bunch of ants!

你们这帮东西,弱不禁风!You're a bunch of softies!

嗯,一堆老茧。well, a bunch of callouses.

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一群没出息的家伙,给我停手。A bunch of sissies, quit it.

我送她一束丁香花。I gave her a bunch of lilac.

我交了一大群朋友。I've made a bunch of friends.

它有一大堆的铆钉过于。It has a bunch of rivets too.

他给她送去了一束花。He sent her a bunch of flowers.

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他雇了一帮车臣人。He's hired a bunch of Chechens.

莱蒂却是歇斯底里的一团。Retty was a bunch of hysterics.

他们都是一群卑鄙的人!They're all a bunch of wankers!

好吧,你们这群白痴。Well, you’re a bunch of idiots.

艾丽带来了一束花。Elli brought a bunch of flowers.

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孩子在搭积木玩。A bunch of children were at play.

那串葡萄卖多少钱?How much is that bunch of grapes?

那谣言简直是一派胡言乱语.That rumor is a bunch of rubbish.