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这将是神奇的一课。This is a miraculous lesson.

这是一个我们可以称之为神来之笔的处理方法。It’s an act we can call miraculous.

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看,多神奇的鸵鸟蛋呀!Behold, what miraculous ostrich eggs!

奇妙的乐调立刻吸引了我。The miraculous melody instantly drew me.

一个开罐器一定让狗够很惊讶。A can-opener must seem miraculous to a dog.

伤员奇迹般地痊愈了。The wounded man made a miraculous recovery.

一只奇异非凡的鸟儿朝着我们惊啼。And a miraculous strange bird shrieks at us.

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大牛,这就是我说的另一处奇观了。Daniel, this is the miraculous sight I said.

他们都会奇迹版的逃生的。They're all going to have miraculous escapes.

这个群魔堡垒真是一个奇迹。This Pandemonium Fortress is truly miraculous.

但它会不会是真正的2016年“神曲”?But will it be the real miraculous song in 2016?

马孔多象神话一样繁荣起来。Macon-do was swamped in a miraculous prosperity.

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他以一张神奇的双鱼宫图喂食大众。He fed the masses with a miraculous draft of fishes.

显著的失败结果,反是稀奇的胜利。This apparent defeat resulted in a miraculous victory.

犹太人是要神迹,希利尼人是求智慧。Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom.

香气扑鼻,人间仙境。Smell the miraculous fragrance, fell like in a wonderland.

征服被描绘为上帝奇迹般的胜利。The conquest is represented as a miraculous victory by God.

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金色沙滩、蔚蓝海洋、神奇海岛、激情平潭欢迎您!Welcome you to the miraculous island, enthusiastic Pingtan.

脉诊是中医的一种非常神奇而典型的诊法。Pulse-taking is a miraculous and typical Chinese diagnostic method.

在某些地方他提出了这类极为不可能发生的奇迹般的交易。Somewhere he had let float the off-chance of a miraculous exchange.