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英语与汉语中都存在着大量的名源动词。There exist quantities of denominal verbs both in English and in Chinese.

英语与汉语中都存在着大量的名源动词。There exist quantities of denominal verbs salt in English and in Chinese.

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名动转用,这一有趣的语言现象在英汉语中颇为常见。Denominal verb is one of the universal linguistic phenomena in English and Chinese.

借助认知语言学的理论和方法,从认知语用学的角度对名词转动词这种现象作出解释。The paper also does some comparative studies of the deverbal noun and the denominal verb.

名词动用从创新到习语化,经历若干历时发展阶段,反映语言变化规律。From innovation to idiomatization, denominal verbs have gone through stages, which shows how language changes.

第二部分对名动转用的定义、分类、认知基础及转换过程等方面进行了详细的叙述和分析。The following part defines and classifies denominal verbs. Related aspects are touched, including cognitive basis and conversion process.

本文的另一个目的是研究暗含在英语名源动词的理解和使用中的认知策略。The other aim of this thesis is to investigate the cognitive strategies underlying the interpretation and use of English denominal verbs.

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名词动用这一语言现象在现代英语中应用普遍,它能使语言形象生动,表现力增强。Denominal verbs are generally applied to modern English, which make the language more vivid and expressive, and enhance the expressive force.

其次,基于数据统计的基础上,在概念隐喻和概念合成理论的指导下,本文对英汉名动转用隐喻现象进行了分类及对比分析。Thirdly, a comparative and cognitive study is carried out to examine the similarities and differences of English and Chinese denominal verbs in CBT framework.

再次,本文在概念合成理论框架内对英汉名动转用换喻现象作了对比认知研究。More similarities are exposed, through comparing the operating and conceptual blending mechanisms of metonymies in English and Chinese denominal verbs within the framework of CBT.

该研究对于我们认识名动转用现象的认知理据提供了理论依据,对我们理解掌握这种语言现象提供了帮助。The present study provides theoretical gist for understanding the cognitive motivation of denominal verbs, which is very helpful for us to master this kind of linguistic phenomenon.

从名词动用的语义理据、类别及其表达效果等方面对这一现象进行了分析,旨在说明英语名词动用对强化表达效果的重要意义。In this paper, this phenomenon is analyzed in the aspects of sematic motivation, classification and expressive effect of denominal verbs to illustrate the important significance of denominal verbs.

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本文探讨了英语动转名词的定义、范围与研究现状,以及动转名词的几种类型,分析了动转名词的发展呈萎缩之势的原因。The paper narrows the scope of the study of the denominal verb, analyzes the problems in its research, and explores the causes for the deviation and its feasibility from the perspective of stylistics.