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这赢得对方咧嘴一笑。It was enough to win a gap-toothed, conspiratorial grin.

同时,她也将重心从对阴谋幻想转入到现实中的不仁道。And she has shifted her focus from conspiratorial fantasy to real-life inhumanity.

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李和平铤而走险的激将阴谋得逞了。Of Li Heping risk danger in desperation stimulate will conspiratorial have one's way.

人们为介入密谋模式而付出的代价,是得到按此逻辑来说应得的对待。The price one pays for engaging in the conspiratorial mode is to be treated according to its logic.

今天下午,你和鲁契克、我一起来。"Youre to come with Luchóg and me this afternoon, " Smaolach in-formed me with a conspiratorial wink.

趁大家都上班的时候逃出来游手好闲,别有一种秘密和阴谋的刺激。There's an extra secretive, conspiratorial thrill to goofing off on a day when most people are at work.

他的话只不过是一些迂不可腐的联想,和关于犹太人权力影响力不恰当的过分阴谋假定。His words conjure up some of the most stereotypical and conspiratorial notions of undue Jewish power and influence.

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裴认为,CPC无法克服其专制主义、充满阴谋的根源,即其“原罪”。Pei argues that Chinese communism is unable to overcome its absolutist, conspiratorial origins, its ‘original sin’.

全党和全国人民对于反革命分子的阴谋活动,必须提高警惕性。The whole Party and nation must heighten their vigilance against the conspiratorial activities of counter-revolutionaries.

卡伦带着一脸阴谋者的坏笑,举起了一个木头盒子,里面装满了五颜六色的小粉笔头。With a conspiratorial grin on her face, Karen held up a wooden box filled with short pieces of chalk in every color of the rainbow.

图片上的这两个人物使我们想起当我们妥协出我们自己的真理时我们可能会进入的那种自甘堕落和阴谋的情况。The two figures on this card remind us of the sleazy and conspiratorial situations we can get into when we compromise our own truth.

整个诗的内容声音是具有吸引力的,这些孩子,正告诉读者,他或她的内心想法。The voice throughout the text is appealing and almost conspiratorial as the child shares with the reader his or her innermost thoughts.

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那将会进入那些伊朗人的圈套,那些人早已把该挑战者和他的支持者描绘成西方阴谋的工具。That would play into the hands of those Iranians already trying to paint the challenger and his supporters as tools of the conspiratorial West.

他们的阴谋活动,完全违反党和人民的利益,而仅仅有利于中国人民的敌人。These conspiratorial activities were completely counter to the interests of the Party and the people and could only benefit the enemies of the Chinese people.

他们满足于做发现工作,经常教授大学水平的科学知识,很乐意成为存有最少阴谋而又收入颇丰的从业人员。They are content to work at discovery, often teaching science at the college level, pleased to be relatively well-paid members of one of the least conspiratorial of professions.

最可怕的是女人们多未看穿这一性别上的文化“阴谋”,这种情感依附趋向已深植骨髓。The most terrible is women much not detection the culture " on this one sexual distinction is conspiratorial " , this kind of affection depends on incline to already implant is medullary.

近日,有关“世界末日”即将临近的预言疯传,而美国政府上周则在网上公布了一份“僵尸预警指南”,指导民众应对“僵尸末日”。With rumors swirling in conspiratorial corners that the end of the world is nigh , the US government last week posted some online counsel on how to be prepared in case of a zombie apocalypse.

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抗战胜利后,金宝加入国民党,宁广冬因一桩凶杀案成为国民党实施政治阴谋的替罪羊。After war of resistance against aggression wins, jin Baojia enters Kuomintang, ning Andong becomes Kuomintang to carry out the scapegoat with conspiratorial politics because of one picket murder case.