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就因为我提议减税,他说我是奴颜媚骨,讨好中产阶级选民。He called me a pander bear for proposing the tax cuts.

那儿的报纸迎合读者对犯罪和暴力的兴趣…词形变化。The newspapers there pander to people's interest in crime and violence.

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越来越多报纸在努力迎合人们的低级趣味了。More and more newspapers are trying to pander to people's vulgar tastes.

那么,在不疏远新听众的情况下,怎样迎合老听众?So how do you pander to the old audience without alienating the new one?

这样做只会让候选人走向极端,而降低了两党合作的机会。This leads candidates pander to extremes, and lessens the chances of bipartisan co-operation.

但即便仇恨是很多人心中所想,那些挑动人们心中情绪的人也不可原谅。But even if hate is what many want to hear, that doesn’t excuse those who pander to that desire.

网站不应迎合工作人员的喜好,而应满足其用户。A website should not pander to the preferences of staff but should rather meet the needs of its users.

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有一只熊猫走进一家咖啡厅,点了一份三明治,吃了,然后掏出一把枪来,对空鸣了两枪就要离开了。A pander walks into a cafe, he orders a sandwich, eats it and draws a gun and fires two shots in the air. "Why?"

里斯-琼斯是法耶德家雇来保护家人和迎合他们的突发奇想的40名保安人员--“体重128磅的保姆”之一。Rees-Jones was one of 40 security men_ 16-stone nannies hired to guard the Fayed family and pander to their whims.

他在想为什么酒店费劲辛苦来迎合客人的身体需求,却如此忽视他们的精神需求。He wonders why hotels, which go to such pains to pander to guests’ bodily needs, are so negligent of their mental requirements.

更糟的是,大部份的电视网为迎合收视率,总喜欢加入一些伪科学的杂烩,如第六感、不明飞行物体与月球登陆骗局。Worse still, most networks pander to the ratings game and air a mélange of pseudoscience about ESP , UFOs and moon landing hoaxes.

那些负责任的编辑和记者们会在更高层次去引导和教育他们的受众,而并非一味迎合人们的低层次需求。Responsible editors and reporters like to think they do not pander to people’s basest interests, but rather guide and educate them.

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我认为公众对双方都存有焦虑,尤其是俄亥俄初选前,他们都打这张人民情感牌。I think there's a lot of anxiety toward both of them, especially as they pander toward this populist sentiment ahead of the Ohio primary.

但即便仇恨是很多人心中所想,那些挑动人们心中情绪的人也不可原谅。所有心存正派的人都应避免仇恨爆发。But even if hate is what many want to hear, that doesn't excuse those who pander to that desire. They should be shunned by all decent people.

已有的广播网络已经削减了他们海外市场的覆盖范围,有线电视的谈话节目更是为迎合观众的成见精心打造的。The established broadcasting networks have cut back on their foreign coverage, and the cable networks' talkshows pander to their audiences' prejudices.

当政客取悦权贵的时候,便无暇顾及中产阶级和穷人的需要,尽管那构成了全美人口的绝大一部。When they pander to the wealthy, they can end up ignoring the needs of the middle class and poor who make up the vast majority of the American population.

而且如果因为一些将领不想迁就刻板规定下级别较低的成员,就此开始开火,那就不仅是哑谜了,而是一场灾难。And if shooting started because some general didn't want to pander to a lowly member of the striped-pants set, that wouldn't just be dumb. It would be a disaster.

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小保罗已经把一场预选转变成了一场关于“信任度”的选举,而在这场公投中,格雷森的逢迎——即使是在朝正确方向转变——也似乎成了对他不利的证据。In a primary that Paul has turned into a referendum on“believability, ” Grayson’s pander -- even a pander in the right direction --has seemed like a strike against him.

但有些中国人担心,党提高民间声望以及迎合不断高涨的民族主义的努力反映民粹取向。But some Chinese worry that the party's efforts to boost its standing among the downtrodden, as well as to pander to rising nationalism, reflect a trend towards populism.

我想导演艾默里克想用一个创新的手段来毁灭地球,幸运的是他并没有迎合那些世界末日论者天花乱坠的末日梦。I think Emmerich was trying to be "novel" in this attempt to kill the Earth and fortunately he didn't pander to the doomsday theorists by over-hyping one of their doomsday dreams.