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蜂酿蜜。Bees honey produce.

又催生了什么?What does that produce?

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但同时遗留了什么给后代?But what did it produce?

睾丸制造精子。Testicles produce sperm.

我们也产生中子。We also produce neutrons.

我们来做这种情况下的矩阵Let's produce that matrix.

而细菌利用它产酸。The bacteria produce acid.

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本公司生产电源开关。We produce power switches.

它一定是外国货。It must be a foreign produce.

用药过量可致死。Over-dosage can produce death.

这家商店出售土特产品。This shop sells native produce.

洋葱里长不出玫瑰。/乌鸦里飞不出金凤凰。An onion will not produce a rose.

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可以轻而易举引出其他的。I could certainly produce others.

王老吉是那里产的?。Is Wang Laoji over there produce?

能lactate意思是能分泌乳液。To lactate means to produce milk.

毕竟不能凭空创造一个杀手。You can't simply produce a killer.

分力新产生的作用相同。Components produce the same effect.

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我们的树结的苹果好。Our trees produce excellent apples.

但是,我们也能哭出充满感情的泪水。But we also produce emotional tears.

你的网站产生OGV影片。Produce OGV videos for your web site.