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在爱中,错爱更为流行。In love, the more popular indulgence.

你过分放任这个孩子会害了他的。You will kill the child with indulgence.

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沉迷于看电视扼杀创造力。Indulgence in watching TV kill creativity.

律师切盼法庭的宽大处理。The attorney craved the court's indulgence.

原谅我这一生不羁放纵爱自由。Forgive me indulgence uninhibited love life free.

过分爱吃糖果有害于健康。Too much indulgence in sweets is bad for our health.

人们及各种族总是在禁欲主义和放荡形骸之间徘徊。Between asceticism and indulgence men and races swing.

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经常沉溺于恶习导致了他的毁灭。Constant indulgence in bad habits brought about his ruin.

自我宽恕是放纵自我的另一种表现形式么?Is self forgiveness just another form of self indulgence?

肩负着身上所有的责任,娱乐似乎是一种放纵。With all of our responsibilities fun seems like an indulgence.

他放任自己无限制的使用连结体诗句。He permits his own unconstrained indulgence in poetic enjambment.

第一次讲尼采,请好好听啦。Well this is my first shot at Nietzsche so I beg your indulgence.

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但是,在美国,富裕并没有使它走向放纵与衰落。But in the U.S., affluence did not lead to indulgence and decline.

还是吴王夫差沉溺于西施的温柔乡中无法自拔?Or the indulgence of Fuchai, the Wu king in Xishi, the Yue Beauty?

不错,我嫂嫂的溺爱也助长了他。It is true that the indulgence of his foster-mother encouraged him.

很多多少伴侣聚在一同吃一顿年夜餐好好地纵容一下,是何等高兴地工作!A lot of friends together to eat a meal, how good indulgence is happy!

作为一名圣诞迷,编辑经常画卡通封面图片。As an indulgence over Christmas, the editor often runs cartoon covers.

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再到后来,宽容和仁爱救了我,正如从前严酷断送了我一样。Later on, indulgence and kindness saved me, as severity had ruined me.

他实践了在自我禁欲与自我纵欲之间的中道。He practiced a Middle Way between self-mortification and self- indulgence.

我想奢侈品只是用来彰显自己的财气罢了。I think that a luxury is nothing but an indulgence to showoff one's wealth.