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别这麽小家子气吗,考虑一下我们的意见呀!Don't be so parochial. Consider our opinions please.

我们本位主义的狭隘性和傲慢文化是一个危险的结合。Our parochial narrowness and cultural hubris are a dangerous combination.

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隘的责任观念往往倾向于保密。Official tend to tilt toward secrecy from a parochial view of their responsibility.

这是一种类似于夜郎自大的无知下的荒唐幻觉。This is one kind is similar to the parochial arrogance ignorant under absurd illusion.

威斯康星最高法院也赞同密尔沃基教区学校使用教育券。And the Wisconsin Supreme Court upheld the use of vouchers in parochial schools in Milwaukee.

拿起十年前的这篇报道,翻看对当年市场波动有限的原因分析。Pick up a decade old copy of this paper and explanations of why markets moved seem parochial.

分开中小学男生和女生在私立和小范围的教育中已经是一个固定模式。Separating schoolboys from schoolgirls has long been a staple of private and parochial education.

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在四人安置圣文森特-圣玛丽高中,狭隘的学校设在闹市区的阿克伦。The foursome settled on Saint Vincent-Saint Mary High School, a parochial school in downtown Akron.

相比之下,足协杯好像成了降级成了地方性的赛事,甚至其冠军身上的光环也渐渐退去。In comparison, the FA Cup seems a parochial affair, and something of anti-climax, even to the winners.

阿尔布尔警告联合国人权理事会的代表们说,不要寻求狭隘的政治目标。Arbour warned delegates to the U.N. Human Rights Council against pursuing narrow parochial political agendas.

在这样做时,应该注明别名的上下文,也就是记录允许使用它的范围。When this is done, the context of the alias should be noted which allows local or parochial usages to be tracked.

令人愉快的贝蒂汽车保养,令人愧疚的邋遢女人和眼光狭隘的保守女人,她们称女权主义者希望男人变得跟女人一样。The beaming Betty Crockers, hangdog dowdies and parochial prudes who call themselves feminists want men to be like women.

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在一个去中心化的世界中,一些地方性利益只要找到途径就可以阻挠一项浩大的全球进程并使其全功尽弃。In a de-centered world, all it takes is a few well-placed parochial interests to bring a vast global process tumbling down.

戊戍变法前后至五四前后偏狭的民族主义在报刊上有着相当大的话语权。The parochial nationalism had a fairly great discourse right in the press from the Revolution of 1898 to the May 4th Period.

这座教堂保存至今,著名歌手和人权活动人士莉娜霍恩也是从这所教堂的教会学校毕业的。Peter Claver, which still exists and counts among graduates of its parochial school the singer and rights activist Lena Horne.

通过揭示价值观的易变性和局限性,我们发现相对主义是正确的,这一发现的确可以帮助到我们每一个人。The discovery that relativism is true can help each of us individually by revealing that our values are mutable and parochial.

如果一些狭隘的想法使你被蒙蔽,这些想法就该死亡,从而让一些更开阔,更深刻,更具世界性的东西重生。And if something parochial is blinding you, that needs to die for something more cosmopolitan and broader and deeper to be reborn.

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未来一周投资者亦将关注英国的支出检视.The coming week also offers investors a more parochial but nonetheless potentially significant event -- Britain's spending review.

市场从小型交易—装车,握手合作愉快—传统的交易流程发展成为由一群严肃认真的玩家参与的正规市场。It’s gone from parochial transactions—back-of-the-truck, handshake--type deals—to a serious market with increasingly serious players.

像这样的暴风雪天气只能让人们恼怒,却不足以使他们因灾难来临而富有慷慨救助之气。A snowstorm like this is bad enough to make people parochial and aggrieved, but not disastrous enough to make them generous and heroic.