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那艺术家的罩衣上沾满了颜料。The artist's smock was covered in paint.

一个身穿红色罩衫的女孩迈着轻快的步子下山。A girl in a red smock tripped down the hill.

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你的工作服很脏所以你应该把它洗干净。Your smock is so dirty that you should wash it.

她穿着一件粉红的尼龙罩衫,就象护士工作服一样。She wore a pink nylon smock similar to a nurse's uniform.

她脱下工作服,穿上一件鲜绿色调的衬裙站在那里。She took off the smock and stood there in a bright green slip.

我穿着从美术室拿来的工作服,把用方巾盖着头发。I was wearing a smock from the art room, and had my hair tucked into a kerchief.

克里姆特在很多照片中都是身着工作服,胡子修得尖尖的。Klimt himself appears in various photographs, wearing a smock and a pointed beard.

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他把画藏在了漆工的工作服下然后把它带出了画廊。The thief walked out of the gallery with the picture underneath his painter's smock.

斯莫克女士表示,男人年龄越大,他对靠女人养家的生活状态就越感到心安理得。Ms. Smock says that as men get older, they become more comfortable with women being the bread-winners.

尽管如此,斯莫克女士在自己的研究中发现,有钱确实能鼓励人们结合。Still, Ms. Smock has found in her own research that having money does encourage people to tie the knot.

他把他的制服脱掉,小心的挂在墙上的挂钩上,然后穿上放在架子上的义工工作服。He removed his tunic, hung it carefully on a wall hook, and put on the volunteer's smock that was folded on a shelf.

里面几乎没有穿黑衣服戴圆边帽的人。是些穿罩衫、布褂、戴鸭舌帽、头发蓬乱竖立、面如土色的人。There were hardly any black coats or round hats now, but smock frocks, blouses, caps, and bristling and cadaverous heads.

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为干扰DSP预警卫星对弹道导弹的预警,使用抗红外烟幕在卫星附近实施干扰。In order to interfere the early-warning of DSP early-warning satellites to ballistic missile, infrared smock screen is used to interfere near them.

实验时,师生及工作人员必须穿工作服,并不得迟到早退或无故缺席。When doing the experiment, teachers, students and the stuffs should put on the smock. Don't be late. Don't leave early and don't be absent without any reason.

他的脸已经变得通红,让人不明白他为什么不脱掉那件可笑的超大外衣,除非是因为他不想露出下面的孕妇服。He was highly coloured now and one wondered why he did not take off the ridiculously large coat, unless it was because he did not want to reveal the smock beneath it.

在那儿,经过漫长的询问、交谈和犹豫之后,他找到了一位结实、面相凶悍、长着麻子的农民,他穿着件破烂的外套、蹬着双bark-shoes。There, after prolonged enquiries, conversations, and hesitations, he found a very sturdy, sullen-looking pock-marked peasant, wearing a tattered grey smock and bark-shoes.

一天下午,她突然出现在我家门口,罩衫下的微微隆起,使我错愕万分。"She", for that is the name my mother came to call her, appeared at our door one afternoon asking for my father. I was six, and fascinated by the slight bulge beneath her smock.

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金多身着一件黑色长衫罩在绿色长裤上,少颗门牙的他告诉我们十年前他接受了马里的一家非政府机构萨赫勒生态组织的建议,开始农林间作。Missing a front tooth and wearing a black smock over green slacks, Guindo said that ten years ago he began taking advice from Sahel Eco, a Malian NGO that promotes agro-forestry.

现在,他脱下了工作服,换上了蓝色的西装,成为在63层的办公室办公的总裁,以及为中国政府对可再生能源政策提供咨询的专家。Today, he has traded his research smock for blue business suits, a chief executive's 63rd-floor corner office and a role advising the Chinese government on renewable energy policy.