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阿特曼的纯粹意识是不会改变的。The pure consciousness of the Atman is unchangeable.

如果你的能力是固有的,并且不可改变,怎样才会好?Which would be fine, if your abilities were innate and unchangeable.

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任何大面积流行的公共代码库或多或少都会被认为是不可变的。Any widely public library can be considered more or less unchangeable.

“承诺发展,贡献中国”是金盛不变的信念。Commitments to development of China" is AXA -Minmetals' unchangeable philosophy."

多傻啊!我发现有着一个没有意识到又无法改变的观念是多么的可怕!How silly was that! Having an unware and unchangeable thought is pretty horrible!

现代战争并非植根于不变的人性,却植根于资本主义文化。Modern wars are not rooted in unchangeable human nature, butincapitalist culture.

如果所加的电场不变,产生的是直流电。If the electric field added is unchangeable , what produces is the direct current.

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大人发出一声不耐烦的惊叹,那张不动声色的脸往外望了望。With an exclamation of impatience, but with his Unchangeable face, Monseigneur looked out.

不要接受其他人设置的界限,天下没有不可行或不可变动之事。Don't accept the limitations of other people who chaim things are undoable or unchangeable.

欠平衡钻井是不可逆的一次性过程,欠平衡钻井成败取决于多个可控因素与不可控因素。UBD is an irreversible process and its success depends on the changeable and unchangeable factors.

科学管理合优质服务是公司的不变的宗旨和最终目标。"Scientific Management and Quality Service" is always our unchangeable policy and highest objective.

科学家和大多数男性专家承认,同性恋是不可改变的性取向。Scientists and most human sexuality experts agree that homosexuality is an orientation that is unchangeable.

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令我感到烦躁的是一些似乎不能被改变的观念,例如,对周遭事物冷淡、被动和漠不关心。I'm frettIng about seemIngly Immovable and unchangeable stone bench values lIke apathy, passIvIty, IndIfference.

葡萄树和枝子的存在只是为了结果子,这是一成不变的法则。The Vine and the branch are equally under the unchangeable law of fruit-bearing as the one reason of their being.

「神」是「灵」,祂的本体是无限的、永恒的、不变的,智慧,权能,圣洁,公义,良善,真实。God is Spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable in his being, wisdom, power, holy, justice, goodness, and truth.

穷者愈穷、富者愈富“的马太效应真的是不容改写的铁律吗?So we may ask that the Matthew Effect that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer is really an unchangeable law?

毕竟「有人的地方就有江湖」,这是千古不变的道理。Afer all, It has been an unchangeable principle for thousands of yeas that "Wherever there are people, there is Jianghu."

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你从那绝尘的深山走来,带着清新,纯真,质朴,还有那原始的坚贞。Since you are driving into the distance walking in the mountains, with fresh, pure and simple, there was the original unchangeable.

在特定又不能变改的情况下,将道道门与墙面贯通为一整体的画面,增添高阔的空间感,和神秘感。In a special and unchangeable situation, integrating each doors as a whole picture, can create high-wide sense of space and mystery.

虽然存在大量的呆账,但存贷利率差价如此之大,给任何表面上守信用的银行都提供了盈利空间。This is an unchangeable fact. Despite the abundant bad debts, there is still profit space left for the seemingly credit-worthy banks.