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审丑是一种美学策略。It is a aesthetic tactics.

他有他自己的审美观念。His aesthetic ideas were his own.

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差异纯粹是审美的。The difference is purely aesthetic.

这是我的审美观点。This is my aesthetic point of view.

然而,泡沫仅仅是审美上的需要。Lather, however, is purely aesthetic.

清雅的橱窗,纤细唯美。The elegant window, fine and aesthetic.

对于她的审美眼光,我们可不敢恭维。To her aesthetic vision, we can boast about.

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灰板纸包装是对审美的追求。Paperboard packaging is the aesthetic pursuit.

报告文学的活动是一种审美活动。The reportage is a kind of aesthetic activity.

其实,寓学于乐是审美教育的一大特点。Actually, the aesthetic education is a feature.

很多方面他都持美学上的偏见。In many ways Yeats retained this aesthetic bias.

“它使得玻璃保持它的美学特性”。It allows glass to keep its aesthetic qualities.

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美观感不够,易曲翘变形。Aesthetic feeling is not enough, easy deformation.

宫体诗人以审美的眼光进行文学创作。Gong Ti poem creat literary by aesthetic attitude.

2010年2月,歌诗达·唯美号又将交付使用。By 2010, the song poetry February, and aesthetic da.

我认为华丽相较于美学它更像是一种态度。I think glam as much an attitude as it an aesthetic.

第三章论述伊格尔顿审美意识形态。The third chapter on the aesthetic ideology Eagleton.

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根付艺术符合功能和审美目的。Netsuke served both functional and aesthetic purposes.

艺术形象是审美价值的主要载体。An artistic image is a main carrier of aesthetic value.

王国维是中国现代美学的奠基者。Wang Guowei is the founder of China's modern aesthetic.