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这是卡罗尔·希思和麦迪·内格尔。This is Carol Heath and Maddy Nagle.

我去荒野的石南树丛。Then I went to the heath and the wild.

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麦克白在荒野中得到一个预言。Macbeth receives a prophecy on the heath.

如果天气好,我常常会在希思公园里。I am always on the Heath if it's a nice day.

石楠系列包含的是贫乏植被类型。The heath series includes poor vegetation types.

希思先生是英国前任首相。Mr. Heath is the former Prime Minister of Britain.

同时,爱格敦荒原本身就是最古老的人物。Besides, Egdon Heath itself is the oldest character.

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这篇观影评论献给传奇的希斯莱杰。This review is dedicated to out legendary Heath Ledger.

使用弄脏眼妆看起来像希斯莱杰的小丑。Use smudged eye makeup to look like Heath Ledger's Joker.

希思罗机场是世界最大的航空港之一。Heath the Luo airport is one of world biggest air harbors.

麦克白遇见女巫的地方是一片荒原。The place where Macbeth met the witches was a desolate heath.

像荒野中的石楠被一阵狂风卷走。Like heath that, in the wilderness, The wild wind whirls away.

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你们要奔逃,自救性命,独自居住,好像旷野的杜松。Flee, save your lives, and be like the heath in the wilderness.

因此,希思很少表现出尼克松那种郁郁寡欢。As a result Heath rarely exhibited Nixon's crippling diffidence.

1973年希思首相把英国带入欧洲共同体。Prime Minister Ted Heath takes Britain into the European Community

黄昏时分,我们在“乔治王”前的荒地上搭乘了邮车。The mail picked us up about dusk at the Royal George on the heath.

黄昏时分,邮车在灌木高地的“乔治王”旅店门前搭载了我们。The mail picked us up about dusk at the "Royal George" on the heath.

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多年后芬妮。·勃劳恩仍常去那篇荒野且多在夜深人静之时。Fanny Brawne walked the heath for many years, often far into the night.

之后是「早晨奇异果减肥法」?!Heath After the Morning Banana Diet, Now there is the Morning Kiwi Diet!

尼克松相信他对最后竞选动动袖中藏有一些妙策。Mr Heath believes he has some aces up his sleeve for his final campaign.