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这就是苛性钾。This is potash.

加钾盘后股价上涨.Potash Corp stock rose in after-hours trade.

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钾肥有利于促进健康的植物的根和强。Potash helps to promote strong roots and healthy plants.

Potash公司一直在寻找可以超过必和必出价的收购报价。Potash Corp. has been trolling for offers that can top BHP's bid.

酒石酸锑钾和酒石酸钾钠。Tartrate of antimony and potash, and tartrate of soda and potash.

Potash是拥有Canpotex的加拿大三大钾肥制造商之一。Potash is one of three Canadian potash producers that own Canpotex.

一旦盐份融会,会留下灰白色的物质,这就是碳酸钾。Once the salts melt, a gray-white substance is left. This is potash.

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淡水河谷计划对镍,铜,煤和碳酸钾业务进行有机扩张。Vale has plans for organic expansion in nickel, copper, coal and potash.

将碳酸钾和水充分混合,向木桶中加入脂肪。Mix the potash well with the water. Add it to the oil in a wooden bucket.

硝酸盐亦称硝石,碳酸盐亦称钾碱。The nitrate is also called saltpeter, and the carbonate is called potash.

一直到第一次世界大战时美国苛性钾的生产才扩大开来。Potash production in the United States was not developed until World War I.

中化集团一位官员称,并不知晓与加钾进行过任何接触.A Sinochem official did not have any knowledge of any contact with Potash Corp.

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我国可溶性钾矿资源储量少,而且分布极不平衡。The reserve of solvable potash resources is lack and imbalance seriously in China.

土壤保持和贮存钾肥呈植物有效态的能力。Capacity of the soil to retain and store potash fertilizer in plant-available form.

因此,颜色不能作为钾长石鉴定时的特征性标志。Therefore, the color can not be used as a characteristic marker of potash feldspar.

1931年在该市附近发现了大量钾碱矿床。Large deposits of potash were discovered in the vicinity in1931. Population, 24,952.

如果必和必拓愿意大幅增加竞购价码,就可能出现这一结果.This outcome is possible if BHP is willing to substantially raise its bid for Potash.

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莫塞克,是萨斯喀彻温公司的头号竞争者,对碳酸钾反弹预期也持乐观态度。Mosaic, Potash's top rival, is also optimistic about the prospects of a potash rebound.

萨斯喀彻温省钾和铀的高需求吸引了加拿大工人西迁。High demand for potash and uranium in Saskatchewan entices Canadian workers to move west.

故在钾素缺乏的土壤上施钠肥,可起到以钠代钾的作用。So, it replaced the role of potash when the sodium supplied in the poor soil with potash.