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木匠把夹板修平。The carpenter dubbed the splint.

他给骨折的腿制作了一副夹板。He carpentered a splint for the broken leg.

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藤条用在扭伤处非常好。This splint is excellent for use on sprains.

受伤的话,可以用鞋带做一个夹板。You can use them to make a splint in case of injury.

你可以找到一个有用的夹板,以纾缓疼痛的时候。You may find a splint useful to relieve pain at times.

我们一致同意用夹板来加固损坏的部分。We agreed on a form of splint to reinforce the damaged portion.

对此应调整夹板间距,使夹板能夹紧书背。Should adjust the spacing so that the splint splint can clamp back.

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请问你的家庭医生的意见左右的最佳类型的夹板供您使用。Ask your GP for advice about the best type of splint for you to use.

年产塑料衣架、夹板衣架数千万只。With an annual output of plastic hangers, racks splint number 10000000.

佩戴护齿牙夹板是治疗夜间磨牙症的第二步。Wearing a dental guard or splint at night is usually the next step for bruxism.

手愈合以后我们开始用ABC包扎法,晚上用夹板。After the hand healed we started using the ABC wrapping and the splint at night.

栾学堂谁也说不得,只能夹在两个女人中间受夹板气。Luan school who also hard, can only be sandwiched between two women by air splint.

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目的探讨家庭功能训练和支具对产瘫的治疗作用和可行性。Objective To investigate the value of splint and family treatment in brachial plexus.

而外固定采用改良式防滑脱超关节夹板固定。The improved preventing sliding splint over bone joint was used as external fixation.

结论托槽代替牙弓夹板治疗儿童颌骨骨折疗效较佳。Conclusion The bracket instead of splint might be better for jaw fracture of children.

我们采用弧形夹板取代八字肩带的固定。We took the curved-shape splint instead of the figure-of-eight splint for immobilization.

固定拇趾于正确位置,适合拇趾外翻人士使用。Splint keeps big toe aligned and held in place with Velcro. Best for people with hallux valgus.

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当时他接受八字肩带和三角巾悬挂固定的治疗。Then, he had accepted the treatment consisted of a figure-of-eight splint and sling immobilization.

我们之前说到的人造髋关节,就是由固定腿部的夹板衍生而来We talked about the artificial hip which is a modern precursor of the splint I talked about before.

研究肌位咬合板对颅颌功能紊乱患者下颌运动的影响。To study the influence of muscular position splint on trajectory and velocity of mandibular movements.