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船尾有人落水。Man overboard on astern.

尽量不要走极端。Try not to go overboard.

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好色是艺术,过犹不及。Erotic art is, overboard.

巨浪把他从船上卷落海。A huge wave washed him overboard.

当你的行为过火时问题就出现了。The problem arises when you go overboard.

只有傻瓜才会像我一样从船上跳下来。Only a fool would have gone overboard as I did.

一个人怎能跳下救生衣呢?How could one throw oneself overboard a life-jacket ?

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我第一次抛出船外几个备用码和梁。I first threw overboard several spare yards and spars.

临近结束时,它的榴弹的垃圾邮件了过分。Towards the end, it's Grenade spamming gone overboard.

如果你屡教不改老偷懒,你可能会被活活扔到海里。If you slacked consistently, you could be thrown overboard.

嘿!我刚才就告诉你,别吃那麽多爆米花,你看,现在胃开始疼了吧?My stomach hurts. I think I went overboard with the popcorn.

港口当局是严禁向外舷外倾倒垃圾的。The port authority strictly prohibits dumping garbage overboard.

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清单不宜过细,对准备工作也别过于耿耿于怀了。Don't get too detailed on this or go overboard with your preparations.

我还建议你不要在初次约会时太过浪费。I would also suggest that you not go too overboard with the first date.

然而,有些组织的测试过程的确过于冗长了。However, some organizations really go overboard with the testing process.

一只名叫鲍里斯的小猫陪伴着她,但是在旅程当中它掉出了船外。A kitten named Boris accompanied her but went overboard during the voyage.

女性有时因过度使用磨砂膏而损伤了皮肤。Women sometimes damage their skin by going overboard with abrasive cleansers.

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过度自我表露可能会伤害到浪漫的激情。Go overboard on the self-disclosure, and you might kill passion in the romance.

其中跳入水中的一个人没有游上岸失踪,估计已经淹死了。One of those who jumped overboard did not make it, is missing and feared drowned.

我们不想要在这里太过露骨,但物极必反。We don’t want to get too graphic here, but going overboard is kind of a turn off.