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或者是牛奶加甜味料呢?Or with milk and sweetener?

甜菊糖苷是一种低热能的高倍甜味剂。Steviosides is a low heat energy sweetener.

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根据个人喜好,可以加糖或其他甜味料。If desired, add sugar or sweetener to taste.

它是唯一的甜味剂,显示被动和主动的防龋效果。It is the only sweetener to show both passive and active anti-caries effects.

薄荷和马鞭草比较安全,可口的东西不需要含有大量的甜味剂。Mint and verbena are safe, tasty choices that don't require a lot of sweetener.

它是巴拉圭的一种本地药草,作为甜味剂已经使用几百年。It is an herb native to Paraguay that has been used for centuries as a sweetener.

并且可以使用脱脂奶和人工甜味剂减少脂肪和糖。And you can cut down fat and sugar more by using skim milk and an artificial sweetener.

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冰淇淋可以选用人造甜料或糖来制造。Ice-cream could be made, with the option of using either artificial sweetener or sugar.

一家中国公司已经鉴别出了一种安全甜料和增稠剂的甘油添加剂。Chinese company had identified the additive as glycerin, a safe sweetener and thickener.

我经常被问及超市货柜上的一种新的甜味剂,它叫做甜菊。I'm often asked about the "new" sweetener showing up on supermarket shelves called Stevia.

二期工程在增加原产品4条生产线的同时,建2条生产阿斯吧甜味素和VB6生产线。Second phase will increase 4 L-alanine product lines and 2 sweetener and VB6 product lines.

你咀嚼过的无糖口香糖就可能包含阿斯巴甜或其他甜味剂。That sugar-free gum you've been chewing on probably contains aspartame or some other sweetener.

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同时比较了三氯蔗糖与其他甜味剂在酒中的稳定性。Besides, the stability of sucralose and other sweetener in the wine were compared in this paper.

不含牛奶,麸质,大豆,鸡蛋,大麦,玉米,酒精,色素,天然甜料和防腐剂。Dairy, gluten, eggs, yeast, wheat, corn, alcohol, artificial color, sweetener and preservatives.

欧盟专家小组说,他们所做的评估工作可以使多年来关于阿斯巴甜安全性的争论告一段落了。The European panel said its assessment should put the lid on years of debate over the sweetener.

Seeram说从一种甜料中发现具抗糖尿病潜力的化合物总让他觉得不可思议。Seeram said the irony of finding a potential anti-diabetes compound in a sweetener is not lost on him.

最简单的产品是糖浆,可作为类似槭糖浆的特殊甜味品销售。The simplest product is sugar syrup, which can be marketed as a speciality sweetener like maple syrup.

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经发酵。烘焙。去壳。碾碎而且常参加甜味剂或调味剂的可可豆。Fermented. roasted. shelled. and ground cacao seeds. often combined with a sweetener or flavoring agent.

不含牛奶,麸质,大豆,鸡蛋,大麦,玉米,酒精,色素,天然甜料和防腐剂。Free Of Dairy, gluten, eggs, yeast, wheat, corn, alcohol, artificial color, sweetener and preservatives.

调整力量,加入牛奶酿造,非乳制品,饮料及甜味剂或黑色,根据个人喜好。Adjust brewing strength and add milk, non-dairy milk, & sweetener or drink black according to personal preference.