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殊不知,里奥哈也生产少量出众的白葡萄酒。However, Rioja also produces rare amazing white wine.

这和其他男人完全不同,那些人总是一杯一杯地给你灌酒。So different to all the guys that ply you with rioja.

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拓是最好的拉里奥哈地区知名葡萄酒。Tinto is the best known wine from the La Rioja region.

西班牙北部里奥哈地区进餐时引用的干红葡萄酒。dry red table wine from the Rioja region of northern Spain.

来自西班牙里奥哈地区的HUARTE葡萄酒。From a small Spanish province called La Rioja come HUARTE wines.

这款标签意味着入选为“里奥哈葡萄酒爱好者协会用酒”。This lable means this wine was selected by the Cofradia Vino del Rioja.

里奥哈地区是西班牙最大的葡萄酒生产区。Rioja is Spain's most famous wine region. The main grape variety is Tempranillo.

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在里奥哈更加复杂,和更深的口味也被孤立在进一步品尝。The Rioja is more complex, and deeper flavors can be isolated upon further tastings.

家族酒窖的注册号是35VI,为阿拉瓦里奥哈地区最古老的酒窖。The registration number of the family cellar is 35VI and is the oldest of Rioja Alavesa.

了解如何对从专业调酒师里奥哈葡萄酒与食品在此免费视频。Learn how to pair Rioja wines with food from a professional sommelier in this free video.

八月底,里奥哈的采收季炽热展开,一直到十月上旬左右结束。A hot summer, Rioja started it's harvest at the end of August, until the middle of October.

牧歌酒园是位于瑞嘉产区的顶极酒园之一,占地约50亩。Bodegas Muga is one of the top wineries in La Rioja comprised of approximately 50 hectares of vineyards.

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了解更多关于拓里奥哈葡萄酒在此免费视频从一个专业调酒师关于西班牙葡萄酒。Learn more about Tinto Rioja wines from a professional sommelier in this free video about Spanish wines.

里奥哈这个星期,在访问托罗和贝拉德尔杜罗,并会增加葡萄酒对于已经公布的名单。C. Rioja this week, after visiting Toro and Ribera del Duero, and will add wines to the list already published.

在西班牙,里奥哈葡萄酒是最古老的商标起源,并在1925年得到了官方的认证。Rioja wines are embraced by the oldest Designation of Origin in Spain, which was officially recognized in 1925.

里奥哈是西班牙乃至世界上最知名的葡萄酒产区之一。La Rioja is perhaps one of the most remarkable and reputable denominations of origin in Spain and perhaps the world.

贝克酒体饱满,个性强,多蜜骨架感强,是西班牙传统的里奥哈特色。Becquer is a full-bodied wine, great personality, honeyed and surrounding character, as it comes with traditional Rioja wines.

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高端的里奥哈生产商有时会在美国制造的橡木桶中窖藏至少十年以获得期望达到的泥土味和香草的特质。High-end Rioja producers will sometimes age their wines up to a decade in American oak to get the desired earthy, vanilla character.

午饭时间很晚也很长,在餐馆品尝当地美食,像黑布丁、西班牙香肠和里奥哈葡萄酒,然后再回到列车上。Next comes a late, long lunch at a restaurant with local specialities – such as black pudding, chorizo and rioja – before rejoining the train.

意大利的卢卡曼卡抛出了他的头水在之间拉里奥哈和菲安巴拉,阿根廷,达喀尔2010年第三阶段2010年1月4日。Italy's Luca Manca throws water over his head during the 3rd stage of the Dakar 2010 between La Rioja and Fiambala, Argentina, on January 4, 2010.