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马里特说这和谋杀没什么两样。Mallett says this is akin to murder.

这类似于更新信息。This is akin to a changelog message.

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他说社会创伤造成的精神痛苦,如同身体创伤造成的肉体痛苦一样。He says social pain is akin to physical pain.

这一情况可能类似于移动电话。The situation would be akin to mobile phones.

我心里涌起了一种恨不能杀人的冲动。I was seized by something akin to a homicidal urge.

车内一片寂静,有如教堂里的默祷。Inside the bus was a silence akin to that in a church.

这个问题类似早期集合论发生的情况。The problem is akin to what happened in early set theory.

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这个过程有些类似把颗炮弹扔在床垫上的情形。This process is akin to throwing a cannonball against a mattress.

正是这样,艺术变得接近宗教,使人性变得高贵。It is thus that art becomes akin to religion and ennobles mankind.

“大马人优先”就是“马来西亚人的马来西亚”及“马来西亚国族”。Malaysian First is akin to Malaysian Malaysia and Bangsa Malaysia.

那种场面看起来就像在家庭聚会上,大家都对招人讨厌的“疯子阿姨”闭口不谈。It was akin to not talking about the crazy aunt at the family reunion.

也许她得的是类似妥瑞氏症的后更年期综合症。Maybe she suffered from a post-menopausal syndrome akin to Tourette's.

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这将创建一个类似于复合材料玻璃纤维或碳纤维。This creates a composite material akin to glass-fibre or carbon-fibre.

牛肝菌含有12种氨基酸,有一种类似于牛肝的味道。Porcini mushrooms contain 12 amino acids and have a taste akin to liver.

而卢瑟福提出的,和行星系统相似的原子结构取而代之。And in its stead Rutherford proposed something akin to a planetary system.

全景是更接近我们在笔记本电脑的设备得到的经验。A panorama is more akin to the experience we get on a device like a laptop.

与简单的伪造品相比,山寨机更像是定制轿车。Instead of being simple fakes, the phones are more akin to a customised car.

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此外,一旦某人提交了一个资料,没有人可以用一个伪造品来替代它。Instead of being simple fakes, the phones are more akin to a customized car.

死亡其实并不可怕,它其实有点类似于换件衣裳。Death was not something to fear, it was sort of akin to changing your clothes.

Momondo——更多的关注旅游搜索,但其页面设计风格更接近于一个时尚网站。Momondo – more travel search, but with stylish design more akin to fashion sites.