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恶狠狠地瞪着眼睛或一连串受惊吓的、迷惑的瞟视也是如此。So is a fierce, hostile glower or a series of frightened, bewildered glances.

联盟成员国不再需要像以前那样在谈判桌上怒目而视。The members of Club Med no longer need to glower across the table at each other.

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“年”朝婆婆家怒视片刻,随即狂叫着扑过去。"Year" towards mother-in-law home glower moment, then head over the past forward.

这些国家在市场体系内繁荣发展,总好于它们在市场体系外愤愤不平。It is better for such countries to prosper inside the market system than glower outside it.

如果你忽视它们的叫声,忘恩负义,它甚至会怒目而视的死亡!If you neglect them, the bleating ingrates may glower at you or even have the nerve to die off!

纳西莎嘟哝了一句“谢谢”,贝拉特里克斯什么也没说,继续狠狠地瞪着斯内普。Narcissa murmured a word of thanks, whilst Bellatrix said nothing, but continued to glower at Snape.

纳西纱低声说了句谢谢,贝拉什么也没说,只是仍然澄着斯内普。Narcissa murmured a word of thanks, whilst Bellatrix said nothing , but continued to glower at Snape.

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其它的食人族先是一阵错愕,然后开始对探险家怒目相视!The man-eater of other is an astonishment first, begin to be inspected to explorer glower photograph next!

我当然知道那里有人!"Of course I know there's someone in there!" she snapped, placing her free hand on her hip and gracing Sosuke with a glower.

逼真的吓人,简直就象真有个人瞪着眼在盯住你看一样!Lifelikely frighten a person, absolutely elephant really have an individual to glower is having eyes fixeding on you to see similar!

“做梦了,”他赶快坐起来,试图用无辜的表情面对赫敏的瞪视,“准是打了个盹儿,对不起。”"Dream, " he said, sitting up quickly and attempting to meet Hermione's glower with a look of innocence. "Must've dozed off, sorry. "

专家声称,该研究表明阳光男似乎没有那些爱发怒或傲慢自大的男人显得强壮有力或更有男人味。Experts say the findings indicate that smiling men do not appear to be as strong, powerful or masculine as those who glower or who seem arrogant.

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如果你们回到殖民时期,教育就是在一间氤氲的房间里进行的,由一些基本上是讨厌孩子的人来教授,他们会来到房间,然后看着某个学生,怒视并大叫,萨杜威,站起来,背诵“If you go back to the colonial times, education would be conducted in an unheated room by someone who basically hates children and would come into the room and look at someone, and glower and yell, "Sadoway! Stand and recite!"