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什么时候才应该使用继承性When inheritance should be used

是继承纠纷还是析产纠纷?。Dispute of Inheritance or Division?

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他挥霍掉他的大笔遗产。He dissipated his large inheritance.

是继承纠纷还是析产纠纷?。A Dispute of Inheritance or Division?

他把继承的遗产全都挥霍一空。He trifled away his entire inheritance.

使用用户界面中的继承性Using inheritance in the user interface

树民族品牌,立百年基业。The national brand & Hundred inheritance.

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我只是想让他看看他的家业。It was to let him see his future inheritance.

他学习法律并掌管着家庭的财产。Third, the inheritance of the family property.

惟独王给儿子的产业,仍归与他的儿子。His inheritance shall remain only for his sons.

一小笔遗产增加了他的收入。His salary is augmented by a small inheritance.

这些人不够格担任这个产业。These people are not worthy of this inheritance.

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中东与北非地区的妇女具有遗产继承权。Women in the MENA have the right to inheritance.

她继承的遗产助她在社会上成功。Her inheritance has helped her get on in society.

这是便雅悯人按着宗族所得的地业。This was the inheritance of Benjamin for its clans.

他们所得的地业是在犹大人地业中间。Their inheritance lay within the territory of Judah.

继承是对象关系数据库的基本特性。Inheritance is one of the basic characters of ORDBMS.

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该病症符合X-连锁隐性遗传。It is compatible with the X-linked recessive inheritance.

合法的继承人应获得其合法的继承权。The rightful heir should obtain his rightful inheritance.

他的不孝之子被剥夺了遗产继承权。His unworthy son was disentitled the right of inheritance.