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我南降皮里亚斯。I went down to the Piraeus.

我南降皮里亚斯“"I went down to the Piraeus."

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这将我们带回到开头首句,南降皮里亚斯。That brings us back to the opening, the descent to the Piraeus.

比雷埃夫斯港码头工人工会害怕的正是这点。But that is exactly what the dockworker unions in Piraeus had feared.

好吧,我稍微转换一下,对的,他们正要从皮里亚斯,走回雅典。Right. Let me put it a slightly yes, they are walking back to Athens from the Piraeus.

人上了年纪,就连去趟城里都成问题呀,还是劳驾你多来比雷埃夫斯吧。But at my age I can hardly get to the city, and therefore you should come oftener to the Piraeus.

中国远洋运输集团是中国领头的船舶企业,在2008年已经和希腊的比雷埃夫斯港达成了一次集装箱合作计划。COSCO, China's leading shipping giant, successfully won a container operation project for Piraeus port in 2008.

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我们再深入一些来看,已在,“我南降皮里亚斯“句中,指明的时地“Let's say a little more about that time and place already indicated in the sentence, "I went down to the Piraeus."

根据合同规定,中国远洋运输集团将管理比雷埃夫斯货柜码头二号、三号长达35年。Under the terms of the contract, COSCO will manage Pier II and Pier III of Piraeus Container Terminals for 35 years.

我们稍后得知,他们一起南下皮里亚斯,去观赏一场庆典,类似嘉年华的庆典。We learn shortly afterwards that they have taken this descent to the Piraeus to view a festival, a kind of carnival.

苏格拉底接下来将讨论对象,转向,Cephalus,的儿子,那位早先在皮里亚斯堵住苏格拉底的人。And Socrates next pursues this discussion with the son of Cephalus, who first had Socrates approached on the Piraeus.

中方愿与希方共同经营好比雷埃夫斯港集装箱码头,到2015年实现370万箱的吞吐能力。We will work with Greece to manage well the Piraeus container terminal and increase its capacity to 3.7 million TEUs by 2015.

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同时,在比雷埃夫斯,希腊地下工作人员进行出色而英勇的怠工行动来阻挠轴心国的航运。Simultaneously, brilliant and daring sabotage operations were carried out by greek agents against axis shipping in the piraeus.

尽管雅典市中心挤满了骚乱者,而出租车司机正在罢工,地铁乘客仍然能以每小时48英里的速度从比雷埃夫斯港前往远郊。Even as rioters crowd central Athens and taxi workers strike, Metro passengers race at 48 mph from the Port of Piraeus to the far suburbs.

但上次上课时,也是他最后一次讲这门课时,他根本没离开过第一句,“我南降皮里亚斯“,这句意思为何?The last time he taught it, the final time he taught it, he never got beyond the first sentence, ? "I went down to the Piraeus." What does it mean?

柏拉图写到,从皮里亚斯,走出北侧墙外,他感受到尸体,躺在刽子手的周围。"Leontius "Leontius," he writes, "was proceeding from the Piraeus outside the north wall when he perceived corpses lying near the public executioner.

本月初,两名墨西哥记者宣称他们在雅典南部港口比雷埃夫斯的限制安全区外拍摄时,被希腊海岸警卫队制止。Earlier this month two Mexican reporters said they were beaten up in custody by Greek coastguards after filming outside the restricted security zone of the Athens port of Piraeus.