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卦文是一个综合的含义提出了许多专家。The divinatory texts are a synthesis of the meanings proposed by many experts.

卦文是一种合成的意义提出了许多专家。The divinatory texts are a synthesis of the meanings proposed by many experts.

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从这里,远古的人们汲取他们的占卜能力。It was certainly from this proximity that the ancient ones drew their divinatory power.

几乎所有古人都有一个特定的系统以便于通过天空来占卜。Almost every ancient people had some system of examining the heavens for divinatory purposes.

说起万圣节,总脱不开占卜仪式,那些婚丧嫁娶或者梦的预兆。Halloween was associated with divinatory rituals omens that foretold marriages or deaths and premonitory dreams.

无论是三画卦还是六画卦,都是天地人三才的取象。" Either three or six divinatory symbols are just the images derived from heaven, earth and Man, the core of "Three".

故本章以奇龄于各卦所举筮法为例,探究奇龄推易说与筮法之关系。This chapter discussing the relationship between divinatory methods and the theory of deducing Yi from divinatory methods in every qua.

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可是没多久,郡侯夫人果然生下一男一女双胞胎,算卦的因此名声大振。Hou is delivered of as expected one male one female twin, those who calculate divinatory symbols reputation is accordingly big brace up.

如以现代哲学思维范式来解读,卦象是“存在”的思维,是表现“势”的。If understanding it by contemporary philosophic thinking models, the divinatory symbols is a thinking of "being", it expresses "circumstances".

大门向处不论向水或向马路能收零神卦气,及真山实地收正神卦气。Door to the Office of the road to collect water or to zero God divinatory trigram gas, and the field of real hill is God divinatory trigram gas.

按照这个方法,大门要与命卦相配,开门要开在生气方和延年方以收旺气。Under this method, the gate with their divinatory trigram match, opened the door to the angry side to side and prolong the life of the natural gas.

进而再加上〈六十四卦名〉与卦爻词之说也就变得仅仅是世界叙述的一种项次而已。Furthermore, the names of sixty-four divinatory symbols and the saying of divinatory symbols and Yao are only just one kind of items in the world statements.

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同时,因为卦象和艺术形象有诸多相通之处,这也成为中国古代象外之象等超象显现理论的滥觞。Meanwhile , because of the interlink between divinatory symbols and artistic image in some aspects , it becomes the origin of Chinese ancient theory of image outside image ect.

而“结绳”原是原始的实物助记手段,“八卦”本为古已通行的巫筮方法,认为两者与文字的创制毫无关联。And "rope knot" of the kind used to help remember the original means "gossip" of the ancient witch has divinatory methods accepted that the creation of the two with no associated text.

此外,上博易特殊符号的分布为三十六卦体作了精确的合理的分区,体现了特殊符号标识者对卦形的深度理解与总体把握。And the distributing of the special marks divide the thirty-six divinatory symbols into groups. It suggests that the drawer of the special marks understand the divinatory symbols deeply.

它的卦爻符号系统既是一种有着象征意义的逻辑符号系统,又是一个开放的系统,所以在当今世界还散发着它神秘的魅力。Since a kind of logic symbol system with symbolic meaning of its divinatory symbol Yao s symbol system, it is an open system, so is still distributing its mysterious glamour in our times.