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分离数据和索引引起了一致性和原子性问题。Separating the data and indexes raised issues of consistency and atomicity.

即使是硬件中断也不会破坏机器指令的完整性。Even hardware interrupts will respect the atomicity of machine instructions.

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他认为“出现了一种新的粒度、原子性和化学物”。"There is a new granularity, atomicity and a kind of chemistry, " he remarked.

原子性可能是一个成功事务执行的最基本属性。Atomicity is perhaps the most basic property of successful transaction executions.

元素的原子数,是元素的一个分子中原子的数目。The atomicity of an element is the number of atoms in one molecule of the element.

然后日志服务器持久化所有事务原子性和半原子性的日志消息。The logging server then persists all log messages that require atomicity or semi-atomicity.

原子性要求提款和存款必须同时发生,或者二者都不发生。Atomicity requires that both withdrawal and deposit should happen in one go, or neither must occur.

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保存点是在事务中实现更细粒度的原子性的最佳方法。Savepoints are the perfect mechanism to achieve finer granularity of atomicity within a transaction.

最后分析了SETTP的安全性、原子性和交易公平性。Finally the characteristics of the SETTP protocol such as security, atomicity and fairness were analyzed.

在本文中,我们定义了一个事务语法支持的日志服务,重点解决原子性语法。In this paper, we define a log service with some transactional semantics and concentrate on the atomicity semantics.

文章详细描述了协议的工作过程,并分析了协议的原子性和匿名性。The work -flow of protocol is elaborated in detail and the characters of atomicity and anonymity are also been analyzed.

相反,它更象是高速缓存管理器,因为它利用事务的原子性来将对象持久保存到数据库。Rather, it is much more of a cache manager, in that it utilizes the atomicity of transactions to persist objects to a database.

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原子性的保证意味着,要么所有这些操作都将出现,要么一个操作也不出现,从而确保整个数据的完整性。The guarantee of atomicity means that either all or none of these operations will occur, hence ensuring overall data integrity.

在分布式系统中,原子性还表明一个事务应该在参与事务的所有节点中全部执行成功或全部失败。In distributed systems, atomicity means also that a transaction should succeed either in all or in none of the participating nodes.

事务管理器管理全局事务,并协调进行提交或回滚的决定,从而确保它们的原子性。The transaction manager manages global transactions and coordinates the decision to commit them or roll them back, thus ensuring their atomicity.

本文计及晶格的原子结构讨论了极化晶体中二维极化子的性质。The properties of two-dimensional polaron in the polar crystal are expounded by means of a model which takes account of the atomicity of the lattice.

这是众多例子中的一个,仅此说明数据的不一致是如何发生的,即使使用了补偿框架来维持事务原子性。This is just one of many examples illustrating how data inconsistency can occur, even when compensation frameworks are used to maintain transaction atomicity.

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电子商务协议的安全性和原子性是电子商务研究音和使用者广泛关心的问题,采取一定的方法对协议进行分析检验是协议开发过程中一个必要环节。In e-commerce field, security and atomicity of e-commerce protocols are two important issues. It is a necessary step to analyze and verify them in the developing protocol.

本文给出了工作流事务需要满足的松弛事务特性,提出分界点的概念实现了长事务的部分补偿。IntelliFlow loose the need of atomicity , consistency, isolation required by traditional transaction model and propose the concept of demarcation point to implement part compensation.